Teaching at ImPulsTanz: Call for applications
One of our goals of the IDOCDE project is to expand the network between dance teachers and dance institutions. We are happy that ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival and k3/ Zentrum für Choreographie – Tanzplan Hamburg agreed to offer 2 guest teachers positions each to IDOCDE dance teachers.
Teaching at ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival from July 22-26, 2013:
(the call for k3 will follow)
Proposals for dance technique, dance improvisation, somatics & bodywork, dance for different audiences (beginners, intermediate, advanced, children, disabled, etc) are welcome.
The conditions for teaching equal the ones for other teachers at ImPulsTanz. Any dance educator wanting to be considered needs to meet these requirements in order to be eligible:
1- a current practice as contemporary dance teacher
2- the ability teach in English
3- some international teaching experience
4- no previous engagement as a teacher at ImPulsTanz Vienna International Dance Festival
5- to be an active member on the IDOCDE website with:
a) a complete profile on the website
b) 2 idocs completed & published
c) of these idocs needs to be a detailed class proposal idoc for ImPulsTanz
d) comments and appreciations of other contributions
If you are eligible and would like to be considered, please write a short email to rio.rutzinger@impulstanz.com before February 18th with a link to your idocde profile and your class description for ImPulsTanz!