idocde » Symposium
We are currently looking for a number of volunteers to help Team IDOCDE between the 18th and the 24th of July, during the IDOCDE symposium and residency week.
Positions / residency week:
- assistant to residency host (pavleheidler);
- assistant to residency hosts (Defne Erdur and Marco Pellizzari);
- assistant to social media efforts (experience with Instagram and Facebook required).
Positions / symposium weekend:
- assistant to Team IDOCDE (hosting experience benefitial);
- assistant to technical team OFFLINE (experience with Zoom required);
- assistant to technical team ONLINE (experience with Zoom required);
- assistant to social media efforts (experience with Instagram and Facebook required).
As an assistant to social media efforts, you will be asked to make use of your own smartphone.
If interested in any of the positions described above, please write to
- access to the 10th IDOCDE symposium The Rest of Art, a Manifesto free of charge;
- access to international network of contemporary dance teachers and dance organizations;
- inspiration and reflection useful for your teaching and thinking about contemporary dance;
- 50% reduction for up to two ImPulsTanz workshops.