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body medical body awareness time awareness body of knowledge physicality relationships the doors teacher Body-Mind Centering® improvisation BMC® K3 Proposal Body Weather Contact translation text and body Contemporary Dance somatics body awareness body consciousness documentation TTT Brussels Eva Maes Anouk Laurens Eva Maes Anouk Lauren Ballet alternatives experimental hearing the body bar exercises contact improvisation amateurs social body Contact improvisation technique body intuition teaching somatic sensation somatics Somapoétique Body Memory dance language literature improvisation Exploration experimental Experience philosophy essence being Somapoétique Dance and literature consciousness body-mind memory Movement Research symbolic choreography kinesthetics intuition embodiment hermeneutic language improvisation dance movement therapy creative writing discussion imagery self reflection body memory embodiment Laban body actions scores movement eating disorder Contemporary/Modern Dance Flow & Quality of Movement Conscious Use of Breath Permeability of the Body site-specific belief systems learning and information exchange creating reality emotional and body awareness Improvisation mapping sensorial Contemporary Dance teaching methods body consciousness fluidity Teaching methods Teaching research performative practices and devising dancetheatre decolonizing the body mindfully making and unmaking the somatic body states-of-being / Butoh body awareness; physiology; Creative movement; creative process Expression Dance in Cambodia Amrita Performing arts body memory performance Dance Movement Therapy Performance Art Dance Body Playing Limits Deepen knowledge about the movement mechanisms in the body. somatics improvisation class dance education nature elements videography photography portraits contemporary dance performing arts feat. fine arts alongside dance floors transformation processes opening channels transforming movement into pictures transforming pictures into movement shamanic potential magic clowning the body is a brain a frame is a compromise compromises are freedom tuning body states Contact Improvisation Body Mind Centering Embriology contactimprovisation Laban/Bartenieff instant composition authentic movement creative process kinesthetics Continuum BMC contemporary technique floor bar muscular alignment lengthening strength essence of teaching Matthew Smith writing experiential anatomy soft activism personal pragmatic modes of teaching Sabina Holzer Vienna local workshop being the best perfectionist student problems staying available gi gong the dancer the class the esoteric influences everything authentic movement recycling Image meditation perception awareness site-specific experiential collaboration community Symposium activity complicity togetherness co-teaching teaching together contact improvisation improvisation/composition Nervous system science fascia proprioception perception preparation for the day - physical warm-up symposium activity CI Movement and Dance Therapy water street observation Voice Research Theory Work Platform meditation image authentic movement photography moving image Saturday Morning Class: Andrea + snapshots of gatherings idocde conference Wien July 13 class: to let go and begin again dance education Teaching Practice methodology documentation Teaching the Teachers Yoga SI (Sacroiliac) Joint Pain Teaching research Therapeutic Theory Practice Reading Writing Books Dance Performance DVDS Documenetation Documenting Archives Library release technique physical dance Acrobatics Ideokinesis Water movement Improvisation Somatic Dance Therapy Life Education Movement Research Somatics Therapeutic Creative Differently abled adults collaboration exchange discussion circle get to know eacht other Teach me (not)! Food For The Day FFTD DanceAbility in the field of contemporary dance Theory and Practice Moon Practise Gathering Amsterdam LEAP Teaching Residency the ultimate phrase fun and it relaxes the lower back! fun learning form theme and variation navel space radiation developmental movement patterns Systems Theory slowness slothing moving on the floor The poetry of technique: an exploratory contemporary dance class The Politics of Form[lessness] improvisation awareness spontaneity interaction dance Instant Composition sensing listening the how more than the what… Contemporary Dance Connection with the floor dance in repetitive motion Somatics and other tools for movement creation improvisation composition and performance. choreography practice perceiving receptivity input/output improvisation not knowing vs knowing repeating yourself repeating others forgetting and remembering dramaturgy outside eye. spending time alone in the studio vs taking a walk ways of seeing making making decisions objects what objects language writing re writing Softness and mildness are the main characteristics of this method. To develop strength flexibility and coordination in a process in which instead of working with too much strain the musculature must flow. The specific exercises of The method concentrates on movement mechanisms of the musculature. teaching children dance with material theater Physical Theater Class for Improvisation/Composition for a class for dance students at the zhdk . paving the way to fly The Choreography of Documenation Performance Writing Associative writing relationships motivation learn and teach attention confidence freedom The shape: starting from a feeling and arises from an observation. The bodies present. The risk zone and exhibition. Opening to the unusual experience. Kitchen Table Eating Together symposium Food for the Day Contemporary Dance anatomy Analysis Theory practice embodiment ARTIST PROPOSAL: The Importance of Being [Un]Necessary. workshop performance The hidden choreography in our movement Being is the answer movement and dance education; arts education; kinesthetic awareness; embodied knowledge; meditation and mindfulness; transformative learning. dance analysis cultural studies Verbatim Dance Theatre Attention Aesthetics The Legacy Project Eleanor Bauer mind the dance fascia symposium proposal Performativity queer theory choreography ballet somatic training healing dance kinesthetics movement research performance Lecture-Performance language perspective Theory Social theory critical theory anti-capitalist strategies 21st century media predictive technology “lateral strategies” fiction imagination hope knowledge subjectivity identity corporeality. MINDTHEDANCE Reflections Sketches questions authenticity principles tensegrity Symposium 2017 dance work The Symposium Outreach Workshop Announcement Mind The Dance Reflex Europe laboratory own practice sharing experiment play playing playfulness movement kinesthetics intelligence edible documentation real time documentation fascia as narrator Mind the Dance Lab Fascia as narrator Coaching Scratchin the script words theory and pratcice score frames of attention what if? Philosophy of Dance Broken Narratives Moving between theory and practice digital documentation MINDTHEDANCE Experience Science neuroaesthetics paradigm shift Contemporary Dance mind the dance Vienna Impulstanz 2018 Hunting gathering somatic practices practice-led research practice-theory epistemology of contemporary dance enactivism
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Play in planes : introducing the dancer's body to the medical wor...
Presentation for doctors on the dancer's experience of their own bodies. The video also shows the demands made on a dancers' body which are quite different from normal people.
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By aydin teker
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On Time and Body Awareness
This is a short video and written feedbacks of two dance teachers on a time and body awareness exercise created by Esra Yurttut. She has been doing this exercise for years with dif...
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By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations    737 views

Class proposal Stolzenhagen
Body-Mind Centering® movement exploration into improvisation into dance. Entrance point: cellular fluid/membrane balance fluidity, resistance, moving...
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By Eva Maes
0 appreciations    2641 views

MB Training/Body Weather
We will focus upon a specific line of training in Body Weather, coined MB, which proposes a progressive series of movements across the floor serving to open the body to new possibi...
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By Sherwood Chen
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impressions at the Stolzenhagen meeting 2012 August
Please find here some of the pics I made in silence, in witnessing somebody else, in working on how to document our processes.
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1 appreciation    503 views

Traduções Simultâneas
This text is translated. What are you certainly missing? Like language, the body is an amalgam of references, layered with memories, impulses, habits, cultural and personal nuances...
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By Sherwood Chen
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Co-Teaching: Eva Maes and Anouk Lauren's class experience
The celullar breathing, the presence of the absence and the absence of the presence
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By Juliana Neves
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What I am trying in the ballet class?
I am sharing what I did try in last 3 years at the Ballet Class of Contemporary Departmant in Mimar Sinan University. I tried them in a diffrent time and one by one. (I i...
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By Esra Yurttut
2 appreciations    519 views

[fra] Workshop - manipulations
This workshop is a very playful way to steer contact and improvisation, in particular for people who doesn't dance. This is a great way to get them in motion, without complex, with...
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By Emilie Szikora Eligible Member
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