IDOC Type:
In Folders:
00:19:24 deirdre amirault morris, she/her/they, Ogaa Po’ogeh/Tewa land: As you join, Kerstin is sharing a short piece of writing.
00:20:02 deirdre amirault morris, she/her/they, Ogaa Po’ogeh/Tewa land: She will take questions after she completes reading.
00:29:11 Defne Erdur - Team IDOCDE: This is the text of Kerstin… already in idoc form. http://www.idocde.net/idocs/5150
00:29:59 Laura Ríos: Thank you
00:30:12 dagesjuvelierkeates: gorgeous thank you
00:31:32 Lerna Babikyan: seductive talk though somatic discovery, thanks for bringing tighter dimensions !
00:33:05 Defne Erdur - Team IDOCDE: chorography choreography
00:33:45 Victoria Hunter: Really interesting, thank you, I love the reclaiming of active femininity from Plato!
00:35:44 pavleheidler (they/them): You can now find the list of the 2020 IDOCDE symposium DOCUMENTATION FOLDERS here:http://www.idocde.net/idocs/5146. The list of folders will be updated daily. Each folder will correspond with one event. Please add your documentation of the specific events to the appropriate folder.
00:36:31 Defne Erdur - Team IDOCDE: You are the author of the idoc already on idocde.net Kerstin… Thank you for developing the idoc
00:37:04 Maria Ines Villasmil: thank you keratin!!
00:38:34 Susan Sentler: absolutely beautiful. Emphasis on the lived in-between, the sensed in-between.
00:40:07 Kerstin Kussmaul: fasciamatters.info
00:41:00 Sonja: Thanks Kerstin! This was my last conference for today, bye everybody and have a good night ...or day!!!
00:41:02 Kerstin Kussmaul: thank you all for listening and your generosity
00:41:18 Eszter Gal: thank u!!!!
00:41:25 Laura Ríos: Gracias Kerstin! hermoso