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somatics Contemporary Dance Anouk somatics viewpoints group score practice instant composition improvisation authentic movement creative process time dance local workshop contact Teaching abstract documentation class description class documentation LEAP teacher residency Grenoble LEAP teacher residency essentials of a class Teaching Practice Release Class Ideokinesis feldenkrais experiential anatomy Contemporary Dance strengh power improvisation documenting Ana Stegnar Teaching Practice teaching methods Teaching research Ana Stegnar essence of teaching Matthew Smith Feldenkrais Movement Research Partner Work contact improvisation teaching performance dance history Teaching research selfportrait interaction common authorship movement exploration class exquisite corpse weight exercices propositions technique composition class anatomy reflection touch everything authentic movement recycling Image meditation perception awareness site-specific experiential contemporary dance ballet company Somatic Anja Bornsek Class extempore composition training contemporary choreography scores teaching workshop documentation reflection choreography facilitation research teaching documentation Amsterdam research Symposium activity Teaching Documentation TTT documenting expression sculpting video documentation returns documentation Video teaching together water street observation Voice questions somatics ballet education Contemporary Dance Louise Chardon anatomy somatics Contemporary Dance Florance Augendre improvisation Teaching Practice Somatics Somatics for dance creation. Contemporary Dance Liquid Matrix fascia anatomy improvisation documentation Tomas Danielis Exploration Improvisation Space Class formats dance documentation perception improvisation Books Writing Drawing Reading Overlapping Documentation Documentation IDOCDE flv Contemporary Dance somatics body awareness body consciousness documentation TTT Brussels Eva Maes Anouk Laurens Eva Maes Anouk Lauren preparation ritual improvisation co-teaching axis syllabus spine teaching learning creation artistic research partners games fun crazy poetic documentation feedback system recycling class two sides of touch Vienna symposium video Jenny Beyer Antoine Effroy Alexander Kerschner tool box Touch and Movement BMC® Tuning scores Perception BMC® Tuning scores Composition Panel IDOCDE Symposium dance education Contact Improvisation Student Feedbacks Contact Acrobatics Teaching Notes Contact Improvisation dancing in nature technique and intuition teaching methods "looking" in our brainmap Whirling/Spinning Somatics Improvisation Pushing-Bounderies Higher-Awareness Consciousness Subconsciousness Amplification Theory Practice Reading Writing Books Dance Performance DVDS Documenetation Documenting Archives Library instant-choreography generating movement being in a score moving-talking Somatics Improvisation Breath Work speaking and moving playfulness in/out of contact dance improvisation Teaching Residency Zürich teaching residency co-teaching improvisation class music amateurs Theory Somatics Improvisation awareness chance touch and being touched teaching modern jazz courses workshops contemporary dance choreography Education Contemporary Dance technique-class deatiled class description (step by step) alignment spirales TAB Psoas connection myoreflex TAB Quality Teach Me (Not) Open Class Professional Contemporary Dance improvisation floor work sharing in home country Improvisation Somatic Integrated dance Environmental dance Somatics Teaching Energy work Meridian stretches Makko Ho Do In Improvisation inclusive dance visual impaired contact sound respiration ideokinesis water movement spirals kundalini warm up Tempo Duration improvisation acting movement exploration creative movement children imagination aikishintaiso posture daily training Local meeting exchange body awareness eating disorder Guiding a process towards Performing (Ballet / Somatics) Contemporary Ballet Contemporary/Modern Dance Flow & Quality of Movement Conscious Use of Breath Permeability of the Body teaching practice site-specific Technique class movement and voice breathing improvisation experiential anatomy improvisation partnering repertory non proffesional ball group behavior mapping body sensorial Improvisation Choreography Contemporary Dance duration discussion somatics improvisation age limitations People meta-academy connection Photos Theory and Practice Research choreographic protocols Costume Lecture-Performance teaching methodology analysis Lecture-Performance sharing Introduction IDOCDE forum movment and documentation movment writing drawing eye-hand coordination Poetic documentation not teaching teaching questions work with children interdisciplinary youth Movement Analysis Feedback system what do / can words evoke? LEAP meeting local Integrated dance Tunning scores Tuning scores Tunning Scores Integrated documentation Somatic Technic pedagogy Improvisation Dramaturgy Dance Teaching Spoken Word Somatics Writing. Teaching and Creation LEAP ultimate phrase teenagers action Teaching and creating Reviewed. Luis Lara Malvacias workshop at Le Pacifique DCD Grenoble France: Resistance Delay Accumulation and Mobilization. navel space radiation developmental movement patterns BMC® Systems Theory Chi Kung Nei Kung reaction body awareness; physiology; Creative movement; creative process Outdoors Story telling writing perception sensitivity releasing technique integration Fly low Training improvisation contemporary sensitivity Expression Local meeting LEAP Stockholm interview Form[less]? shared teaching Practices with some principles and techniques of contemporary dance movements Technique class improvisation teaching experience movement research radical empiricism teaching contemporary teachnique inclusive improvisation choreography teaching contemporary teachnique inclusive improvisation choreography arts and craft Space Laban psoas Dance in Cambodia Amrita Performing arts body memory performance Dance Movement Therapy voice work breathing organs dance dissemination symposium activity Impulstanz ambient music regeneration voice LEAP meeting essentials Vienna motivs to move physical awareness functional structures and organic tissue Conact Improvisation teaching reflection non-dancers sharing methods surrealism Summer worshop with children in a museum Dance history dance ethnography writing multi-culturalism choreo-lab beginnings Egyptian trance Practice Repetition form mass trance concentration connection duration spiral staying with it following/leading methodology combined techniques somatic teaching functional imagination autonomy yoga laboratory work improvisation score contactimprovisation Physical Theater gaga in Israel Festival teaching floor work TAB indeterminableness in dancing improvisational dance work graphic art students surfing Modern Dance class description music appreciation ear training improvisation competition collaboration Architecture Talk Closing poems documentation writing choreography Somatics Workshop Breath Kitchen Table Eating Together arabesque functional movement drawing Fighting workshop time awareness state-based research Movement Research pole dance warm-up LEAP Symposium Teaching Form|less Surprise yourself Impulstanz 2015 100 days score spirals circles serpentine contemporary dance class economical danning / moving choreography lab symposium Food for the Day relationships dynamics rythm qualities somatics improvisation class nature elements club dance techno perspective Reflex Track polyphonic documentation multimodal documentation Symposium 2016 Tango Argentino Gender and role transference Cultural perspectives Contemporary teachings of Tango Mind Intuition Gaga Acrobatics hand balancing verticality circus dance teaching teaching contemporary professional training improvisation Contact improvisation martial arts consent and boundaries symposium 2018 fascia mind the dance tensegrity sensorial Urban Movement. writing Observation Outdoor Why compromise Subversive Impulstanz 2016 Symposium documentation Photography Kitchen Table Symposium 2017 compromise MINDTHEDANCE Outreach Resistance Fantasies dance training dance education given movement material laboratory experiment Education Learning/unlearning Transmission Pass On edible documentation real time documentation fascia as narrator presentation Mind the Dance Lab Fascia as narrator Coaching Scratchin the script scores documentation Process frames of attention what if? Performativity MTD Residency Real Time Documentation Encounter and Context Fasica as Narrator teachers exchange endings interview philosophy science fiction solo improvisation tossing improvisation scores trios Safety Movement Patterns Lab tried and true residency Hamburg K3 documentation of artistic research somatic education Impulstanz 2019 composition workshop symposium 2021 Symposium 2021 Somatics performance ecosystem seniors civil methodology
437 matches found |
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Anouk Llauren's class
an audio recording of the feedback session after Anouk's class
an audio recording of the feedback session after Anouk's class
examples of documenting a somatic class
This is an attempt to document a fragment of a one hour class that took place on 12th of May 2012 in K3-Center for Choreography, Hamburg We collect multiple layers of document...
This is an attempt to document a fragment of a one hour class that took place on 12th of May 2012 in K3-Center for Choreography, Hamburg We collect multiple layers of document...

By [Multiple Creators]

Collective Sensations practice - reconstructed from a partial mem...
I am fascinated in general by the creativity inherent in mistakes (superglue and penicillin for example were mistakes). More particularly, in a teaching situation where what seems...
I am fascinated in general by the creativity inherent in mistakes (superglue and penicillin for example were mistakes). More particularly, in a teaching situation where what seems...
Composition based on Authentic Movement
The description of a process I developed for an improvisation / compositional class that is based on Authentic Movement. It includes comments of participants. I find this to be esp...
The description of a process I developed for an improvisation / compositional class that is based on Authentic Movement. It includes comments of participants. I find this to be esp...
Idocde 2012 part of the french local group Cadavre exquis
This is a video of "cadavre exquis"( realized during the French local workshop. The process of the ‘Cadavre exquis’ is the one we...
This is a video of "cadavre exquis"( realized during the French local workshop. The process of the ‘Cadavre exquis’ is the one we...
Hungarians at work with Inaki
The 2nd and 3rd day of Hungarian local workshop
The 2nd and 3rd day of Hungarian local workshop
images about Budapest LW
Drawings and pics about the participants of Local Workshop in Budapest middle of June
Drawings and pics about the participants of Local Workshop in Budapest middle of June
Hamburg Local Workshop, video report,
Video report of IDOCDE local workshop happening in K3 – Centre for Choreography | Tanzplan Hamburg at Kampnagel, May 11-13 2012.
Video report of IDOCDE local workshop happening in K3 – Centre for Choreography | Tanzplan Hamburg at Kampnagel, May 11-13 2012.
Peter Pleyer teaching in Budapest 2012
Peter Pleyer taught a weekend workshop in Budapest as part of the 5th Contact and Improvisation Celebration Day - CI 40! at Trafó. It is a video documentation of his Sunday class...
Peter Pleyer taught a weekend workshop in Budapest as part of the 5th Contact and Improvisation Celebration Day - CI 40! at Trafó. It is a video documentation of his Sunday class...

By [Multiple Creators]

Experimental Graphic Documentations
I am experimenting with visual class descriptions. Attached here are a few examples of image maps that I created of a few aspects of the Muller Technique.
I am experimenting with visual class descriptions. Attached here are a few examples of image maps that I created of a few aspects of the Muller Technique.