IDOC Folders » 2020 IDOCDE symposium documentation From Chôra to Choreography
Created by Pavle Heidler (Co-Editor) // Admin | 2020.07.21CHAT TRANSCRIPT From Chôra to Choreography
This is the transcript of a chat that emerged during Kerstin Kussmaul's From Chôra to Choreography on Tuesday, 2020 07 21 as part of the 2020 IDOCDE Symposium, MAKING PLACE TAKING SPACE.
This is the transcript of a chat that emerged during Kerstin Kussmaul's From Chôra to Choreography on Tuesday, 2020 07 21 as part of the 2020 IDOCDE Symposium, MAKING PLACE TAKING SPACE.

By [Multiple Creators]

From chôra to chor(e)ography
Is a very short historical journey touching upon Plato’s notion of place/space, contemporary feminist interpretations of space, and in a lateral space, a nod to chor(e)ography. Originally...
Is a very short historical journey touching upon Plato’s notion of place/space, contemporary feminist interpretations of space, and in a lateral space, a nod to chor(e)ography. Originally...

By [Multiple Creators]