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MINDTHEDANCE Reflections Sketches questions Outreach documentation laboratory own practice sharing experiment words digital documentation MINDTHEDANCE Experience dance documentation dance documentation Somatics contemporary technique somatics ballet creation Collective tools perception teaching performance fascia technique Teaching abstract documentation class description class documentation Photography Documentation exploration contemporary dance composition and dance symposium activity teaching workshop documentation reflection research teaching documentation Amsterdam Teaching Practice research Poetic documentation memory Teaching Documentation TTT video documentation reflection Symposium activity Teaching exchange and research Laban/Bartenieff Live Documentation Group discussion/reflection Visual media Documentation Recording Perception returns Video website practice discussion history performance documentation composition BMC® Dance Creation dance education fascia anatomy improvisation documentation sound polyphonic experience choreography improvisation Books Writing Drawing Reading Overlapping Documentation choreography documentation IDOCDE flv Contemporary Dance somatics body awareness body consciousness documentation TTT Brussels Eva Maes Anouk Laurens Eva Maes Anouk Lauren Contemporary Dance Inaki Azpillaga Robert Hayden water dance Role Sharing recycling idoc documentation feedback texts writing Water collective reconstruction artistic research partners games fun crazy Touch Feedback system Drawing as feedback feedback system mouvement documentation à l'ancienne poetic documentation touch creative process BMC® Tuning scores BMC® Tuning scores Composition eye-hand coordination documentation as feedback system Lisa Nelson dance education Teaching Practice methodology Teaching the Teachers BMC® Tuning scores (Not) teaching method Archive sharing methods digital tools Report Symposium visual field movment and documentation movment writing drawing not teaching Dissemination Exchange Integrated dance Tunning scores Tuning scores Tunning Scores Integrated documentation personal experience improvisation documentation performing guideline playfulness poems documentation writing choreography improvisation intangible potential Clarification Documentation improvisation language hand-eye coordination Education drawing as refelxive tool Symposium program Video Documentation REFLEX Europe scores poetry symposium Reflex Track (EX)change Perspective polyphonic documentation multimodal documentation Poetic feedback mind the dance Film documentation teaching diversity classes Symposium documentation Photography Kitchen Table Symposium 2017 Resistance Fantasies edible documentation real time documentation fascia as narrator Improvisation Movement Research Documentation Drawing Visual Landscape documentation practices and tools scores documentation anarchiving Process defining terminologies for documentations letter collaboration Real Time Documentation Encounter and Context Fasica as Narrator Teachers Exchange documentation of artistic research
141 matches found |
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MIND THE DANCE Lab İstanbul - Sketches of the Sketching Score
Here you can find the audio file of Nicolas Hubert, giving details of his proposition for making drawings/sketches of the bodies moving for utilising later on while taking class no...
Here you can find the audio file of Nicolas Hubert, giving details of his proposition for making drawings/sketches of the bodies moving for utilising later on while taking class no...
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 2978 views
[tur] MIND THE DANCE Lab İstanbul - Qu...
In this idoc you can find the questions and statements that arose during the MIND THE DANCE Lab İstanbul, that the participantes find relevant to share here. They are in Turkish f...
In this idoc you can find the questions and statements that arose during the MIND THE DANCE Lab İstanbul, that the participantes find relevant to share here. They are in Turkish f...
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 2074 views
Reaching the Intangible - MIND THE DANCE Lab
MIND THE DANCE Lab "Reaching the Intangible" at TanzplattformRheinMain, Mousonturm Frankfurt 26th and 27th October 2017
MIND THE DANCE Lab "Reaching the Intangible" at TanzplattformRheinMain, Mousonturm Frankfurt 26th and 27th October 2017
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 2221 views
MIND THE DANCE Lab İstanbul - Personal Notes/Bireysel Notlar
This idoc is a collection of the personal notes from the participants of MIND THE DANCE Lab İstanbul. There are pictures of the notes taken during the lab and additional personal...
This idoc is a collection of the personal notes from the participants of MIND THE DANCE Lab İstanbul. There are pictures of the notes taken during the lab and additional personal...
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 2237 views
MTD Lab Outokumpu 29-30 January 2018
We (Ulla and myself) are just about to have the outreach event of the publication of MIND THE DANCE in Outokumpu, Finnland. This is our plan for the two days... rather ambitious. W...
We (Ulla and myself) are just about to have the outreach event of the publication of MIND THE DANCE in Outokumpu, Finnland. This is our plan for the two days... rather ambitious. W...
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 2552 views
MTD Lab documentation Outokumpu 29-30 January 2018
Collection of texts and images are the documents of and from the MTD Lab. It has been done collectively during the lab.
Collection of texts and images are the documents of and from the MTD Lab. It has been done collectively during the lab.
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 2909 views
[FFTD] How many are we?
First day of the last working week on Mind the Dance.
First day of the last working week on Mind the Dance.
0 appreciations 758 views
MTD Lab Day1
Working on exchange based on questions, body, thoughts and the combination.
Working on exchange based on questions, body, thoughts and the combination.
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 672 views
mindthedancelab amsterdam
Description of the MINDTHEDANCE LAB in Amsterdam at ICK
Description of the MINDTHEDANCE LAB in Amsterdam at ICK
0 appreciations 2237 views