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Juliana Neves // Teacher
IDOCs » Florance Augendre's class experience
The amazing experience of warming up only with breathing!

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Thursday, 6th of June 2013

This was our fourth day together. We had one day off. We were now at the Ultima Vez studios in Brussels and we seems all excited and happy about how our TTT meeting was evolving. This was the day lead by Florence Augendre.

TTT stands for Teaching The Teachers . It is an initiative from Jardin d'Europe which aims at giving an answer to a European dance scene in need of new teaching and training methods in the field of Contemporary Dance, taking into account the various forms enriching dance creation nowadays, such as dramaturgy, scenography, lighting, visual arts practices, transforming movement into film/image, dance photography. Respective activities e.g. workshops, lasting each of them about ten days - are taking place at the relevant intiatives/venues of the participating co-organisers (Ultima Vez for Brussels

Florance Augendre:

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Florance propose to work around “The Organs in relation to the Four Diaphragms” :

Where bones and tissues are providing the sense of weight through the sense of structure and directions, the organs are enabling the sense of inner space, the sense of density and mass through the quality of volume and fluidity-

 She talked to us in a very calm, clear and very didatic way about the four diaphragms and about how we breathe and we all breathed together for a while. She told us that one of her interests is how to connect the subject of weight, that weight can be experienced in different ways, such as: the weight of bones (inner arquitecture and structure), weight of organs (volumes and fluidity).

Louise Chardon observing Image [jpg]  - 

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After this , we had a section where we breathed all together under the instructions of Florance. This was already revealing in the sense that my imaginary of how our breath works, was wrong; I have always imagines that when we breathe in the air goes up from belly to chest and as we breathe out, it goes back down.... it happens that it's the opposite!!

Erika Faccini observing Image [jpg]  - 

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We continue the morning with a hands on two by two, where with the help of the other, we breath with hands enveloping our sacrum, then our torax, then our occiput, we think of the diaphragm, we sense the breathing and the movement of the breathing, we try to imagine how the organs find space to move , how the toraxic diaphragms acts as bridge to expand the peripheries through respiration.

We repeat the same pattern still with the hands of our partner on us, but this time we try to move,moving from that place, the sacrum. the toraxic diaphragm, the occiput , and out partner keep the hands on us. Later, Florance instructs us to continue moving without the hands of out partner and ... that's the moment when I notice , as i was moving, that my body was warm and ready to do anything, like If i had been warming up for 1 hour and a half, I could do everything, I was flexible, strong... and it was a pleasure to move from this state, to realize that it was possible to warm up only with guided breathing and imagery. It gave me hope! It gave me hope to continue to dance as I grow older, I was thrilled !

Robert Haydin and Eva Maes dancing:

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The videos below are my documentation of this "moving moment" and Rob's captation of myself in this delicious state.

In the afternoon, wewere asked to do a 7 minutes dance with the memory of the morning experience. It was not easy for me to trace back this memory and I felt like trying to reproduce a sensation instead of feeling and moving from a memory of an experience instead of moving from the experience itself.

We them did a 5 minutes automatic writing and reading the paper now, i smile on what a beautiful memory of that day this paper is !

We finish the day working on our IDOC's and discussing about IDODCDE.


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