The second day of our TTT ( Teaching the Teachers) week was again in Antwerp. We were all very sore I guess. My calves were reminding me of how out of shape I was and how much we jumped the day before.
TTT stands for Teaching The Teachers . It is an initiative from Jardin d'Europe which aims at giving an answer to a European dance scene in need of new teaching and training methods in the field of Contemporary Dance, taking into account the various forms enriching dance creation nowadays, such as dramaturgy, scenography, lighting, visual arts practices, transforming movement into film/image, dance photography. Respective activities e.g. workshops, lasting each of them about ten days - are taking place at the relevant intiatives/venues of the participating co-organisers (Ultima Vez for Brussels )
The second day was less physical but as intense as the first one. I realized how far away from me, the somatics dance approaches are, how much I need to study anatomy or at least learn enough to teach better my classes.
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Because I am not use to approach dance this way for the past 10 years, and this was a very hard day to me, I would like to give my feedback to Louise, regarding the order of the day:
I would start with the explanation and f the visualization of the 3 ISLAND/ANCHOR BONES AND THEIR RELATED WINGS, look at the fantastic books she brought us, discuss and reflect for a while on the subject.
Then I would go for the improvisation, individual exploration of this three areas...
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Then I would experience Louise's ballet class with this approach. Without this class, I would have not understood what is her research. With her ballet class, the connection of the three anchor bones became more clear and it made complete sense to me that this should be a contemporary way to teach ballet.
And to finish the day , I would do the hands on experience, as you can see on the three video excerpts below.
This was a great exercise that include documenting in it. We were working in trios, where two people were busy with the exercise, and the other one was documenting. I was the first one to be touched and even with the instructions that we could move with the touch, I didn't feel ready to move, I needed to concentrate to feel the areas we were treating as subject. When was my turn to document, I realized that I was documenting/filming/drawing already thinking about how would I make an idoc.
As drawing was also proposed as a mean to document ,and as this is something I never do, I decide to give it a try and do what they teach me as intuitive drawing as I was watching Erika do this hands on experience to Florence. here are the two drawings:
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I rediscover the pleasure of drawing!
Below are the videos of Erika Faccini and Florence Augendre.
This was a great second day of our TTT !!