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00:58:42 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: IDOCDE Editorial by pavleheidler about Nancy Stark Smith: http://www.idocde.net/pages/175
00:59:51 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: NSS Earthdance event that Colleen mentioned:
00:59:53 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: https://www.earthdance.net/programs/workshops/nancy-stark-smith-open-training
01:00:52 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: Nancy’s bio at bates:
01:00:55 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: https://www.batesdancefestival.org/about/faculty/nancy-stark-smith/
01:02:28 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: Center for new dance development
01:02:43 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: In Amsterdam
01:05:07 Laura Ríos: Who´s Mary is Eszter is talking about? Mary Fulkerson?
01:05:57 Defne - LYON FRANCE: yes
01:06:32 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: Yes. Mary Fulkerson.
01:06:41 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: Oh I see Defne answered! :)
01:07:48 Laura Ríos: Thanks. I met her in Arnhem, she gave me her cd room book, she was Nancy Topf's friend. I visited at her home. The encounter with her left a trace in me.
01:09:45 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: http://the-live-legacy-project.com/project/
01:13:18 Eszter - Budapest: Colleen, can you share again that magazine with Mary?
01:13:57 Eszter - Budapest: with the interview? Is it available in a Digital format?
01:14:05 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: New dance magazine
01:14:37 Eszter - Budapest: for how long it run?
01:14:58 Laura Ríos - Mexico: Does anybody know how to get her book Release Seven Zones of Comprehension, from Body to Spirit. She gave me a CD Room, that I can´t access anymore.
01:15:15 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: NEW DANCE
01:15:20 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: Contact Quarterly
01:15:31 Eszter - Budapest: Yes! If you can add this to the Idoc of this program?
01:17:13 colleen,london UK: along the lines.. Body IQ...
01:17:50 pavleheidler (they/them) Karlsby, Sweden: we could choose to stay together for another 40 minutes or so, yes.
01:18:18 colleen,london UK: Passing through.. how do you make it yours?
01:20:07 Susan Sentler, singapore: https://bodyiq.berlin/workshops/ …along the lines, eva karczag and bettina neuhaus
01:22:48 colleen,london UK: Nancy Topf
01:30:49 Eszter - Budapest: Colleen, please it woiuld be so fab to have this (these) articles!!! How wouild that be possible?
01:30:52 Glenna Batson: can it be scanned?
01:30:56 Susan Sentler, singapore: what is the journal exactly?
01:33:47 Eszter - Budapest: tactile imprint
01:35:49 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: FOUND THIS PDF OF MARY’S BOOK/CD:
01:35:50 colleen,london UK: New Dance Magazine…
01:35:51 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: http://www.timeless-records.com/releasedance/ReleaseDance/pdf/Credits,%20Release.pdf
01:35:52 colleen,london UK: http://the-live-legacy-project.com/the-live-legacy-project-film-documentation/
01:36:25 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: Whoops colleen sent something before my link popped up. Here is Mary Ferguson title on pdf:
01:36:26 deirdre amirault morris, Ogaa Po’ogeh-occupied tewa land: http://www.timeless-records.com/releasedance/ReleaseDance/pdf/Credits,%20Release.pdf
01:36:27 colleen,london UK: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=the+new+dance+magazine+x6&t=osx&ia=web
01:39:07 colleen,london UK: Resources: Dancing in UtopiaDartington Hall Lorraine Nichols.. (book)
01:39:14 colleen,london UK: Poesis..
01:39:39 Defne - LYON FRANCE: we would be happy to host your article on idocde.net :-)
01:39:45 colleen,london UK: The emergence… POESIS..
01:41:26 Eszter - Budapest: Daniel Lepkoff
01:41:58 Laura Ríos - Mexico: I have a non print book of Nancy Topf, The Anatomy of Center, it´s a pity people can´t access to it . Melinda Bulkwalter published a beautiful excerpt in CQ, a little part of the book, just a little part.
01:42:08 pavleheidler (they/them) Karlsby, Sweden: (notetoself) “teaching me to teach myself,” (––Colleen) as a (non-possessive?) pedagogic methodology
01:42:35 Defne - LYON FRANCE: SILENCE
01:43:15 colleen,london UK: Teaching as a sharing- offering or proposing.
01:43:21 colleen,london UK: take it and make something out of it..
01:44:38 colleen,london UK: Offering it again with your sense...
01:44:50 colleen,london UK: the good teachers in my life- that is how it was given..
01:45:13 Defne - LYON FRANCE: we had in 2014 - our symposium was called teach me (not) and we were reflecting on what does it mean to teach dance… documentation link : http://www.idocde.net/folders/54
01:46:06 Defne - LYON FRANCE: indoctrination versus education
01:46:32 Defne - LYON FRANCE: Jane Elliott
01:46:34 colleen,london UK: Jane Elliot
01:46:42 colleen,london UK: https://people.howstuffworks.com/jane-elliott.htm
01:46:52 colleen,london UK: Contemporary systems of education are indoctrination.
01:47:13 Defne - LYON FRANCE: https://janeelliott.com/
01:48:21 colleen,london UK: take that being”in charge” responsibily
01:48:29 colleen,london UK: Emergent and emancipatory practice.
01:49:21 Susan Sentler, singapore: taking charge responsibly, allowing it to be ‘less charged’
01:49:33 Sonja Bologna Italy: Thanks Pavle.
01:51:32 Laura - Sweden: Angela, thank you. The material has a saturation point; the process does not.
01:55:00 Eszter - Budapest: not needing us - reponsibility (?) - urgency - arriving in a release
01:57:10 pavleheidler (they/them) Karlsby, Sweden: “releasing at the same moment as you’re arriving” (––Nita) (note to self: temporal manoeuvre)
01:57:27 Defne - LYON FRANCE: the interview I had with Nancy Stark Smith can be found in Mind The Dance here : http://mindthedance.com/#article/45/work-to-be-discovered
01:58:04 Defne - LYON FRANCE: This interview is mainly on CQ history and value of documentation
01:58:09 pavleheidler (they/them) Karlsby, Sweden: (dynamic: imperfect but crucial)
01:59:42 Susan Sentler, singapore: language also the tone, the space, orchestrating so many elements simultaneously
02:00:41 Sonja Bologna Italy: Very true Susan!
02:01:19 Nita Little, Seattle: Yes, I love this note.
02:01:35 Sonja Bologna Italy: Wonderful session. Thanks all!
02:06:26 Eszter - Budapest: Thank you!!!!
02:06:29 Susan Sentler, singapore: beautiful colleen, thank you so much.
02:06:50 Defne - LYON FRANCE: and EVERYONE!
02:07:00 lo, Toronto, Canada: Thank you everyone!
02:07:05 Susan Sentler, singapore: Thank you both colleen and gretchen, and all present. xo
02:07:08 Laura Ríos - Mexico: Thank you Gretchen and Colleen, thank you all, I received a lot of questoins
02:07:26 colleen,london UK: thank you all so much- can share resourdes post event..