user avatarpavle (pavleheidler) heidler Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarCarol Brown // Teacher
user avatarAmaara Raheem // Teacher
user avatarShinjita Roy // Teacher
This is the transcript of a chat that emerged during Carol Brown, Amaara Raheem, and Shinjita Roy's Crossing on Wednesday, 2020 07 22 CEST as part of the 2020 IDOCDE Symposium, MAKING PLACE TAKING SPACE.

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00:31:48 link is not in the chat?

00:31:51 Silvia Marchig: sorry, i don?t have the links

00:31:52 Kinga Szemessy: I don't yet see it :(

00:31:57 pavleheidler (they/them): Link to Amaara’s video: 

00:32:22 dagesjuvelierkeates: thx!

00:34:12 marisolpvargas: ok

00:48:43 pavleheidler (they/them): Link to Carol’s video: 

00:48:45 Theron Schmidt: exhale

00:49:21 Kerstin Kussmaul: 

01:02:48 pavleheidler (they/them): Link to Shinjita’s video: 

01:03:45 tia reihana: ngā Mihi nui ki a koe Carol.. x

01:05:49 marisolpvargas: Thanks so much Carol CHALTUMAY!!

01:15:31 Susan Sentler: Shinjita…what were the images on the postcards?

01:15:55 marisolpvargas: thanks so much shinijita.

01:16:19 Victoria Hunter: Thank you to all for such great presentations!

01:17:02 Susan Sentler: Yes, thank you all for sharing your beautiful presentations.

01:19:44 dagesjuvelierkeates: that’s beautiful pavle

01:29:06 Amaara Raheem: Wonderful Pavle

01:29:29 pavleheidler (they/them): thank you ??

01:29:31 dagesjuvelierkeates: glorious

01:31:41 Shinjita Roy: Thank you Pavle :)

01:32:29 marisolpvargas: The crossing of differente realities..Poetry..begin a dance with different ..political issues-different natural social and TRANSIT landscapes. individual Inside or silence of oneself crossed with a crowd to educate. the synchonicity of the game and the social rhythm of bilingual island. Timelessness of reality. The wealth of EXCESS in a CORNER in REMOTE city..or a LANDSCAPE with a SINGLE BODY that is also in the PRESENT.

01:32:42 dagesjuvelierkeates: amaara, is the text that you spoke over the video published somewhere?

01:32:50 Defne Erdur - Team IDOCDE: 

01:32:53 Shinjita Roy: Thank you Defne :)

01:33:50 Maryam Bagheri: Thank you Kerstin and the team! Thanks heaps to Amaara, Carol and Shinjita! Amazing sharing of your poetic reflections on ‘The Crossing’! X

01:34:40 Thankyou very much to all presenters. A lot to think about and if there were more time I would like to make some verbal comments…maybe another time

01:34:56 or open up a dicussion
01:35:33 also Pavle the observation about pre breath…

01:41:04 Amaara Raheem: Thank you everyone for bearing witness, and listening with your whole bodies

01:41:13 Silvia Marchig: instead of informal talks, this year the web will really start to live!! thank you everybody for today, it was overwhelming, beautiful

01:41:16 Tomi Kassim: 5pm british time

01:41:21 Carol Brown: Thanks everyone for joining us in the Zoom room. It is so good to see you all in this crossing.

01:41:37 Shinjita Roy: Thank you everyone for joining us :)

01:41:41 Kerstin Kussmaul: If you can, please donate to the 2020 IDOCDE symposium. all the proceedings of the donations will go to compensate the lecturers and hosts for their time and the effort they put into this. we are specifically looking for donations to support those lecturers and hosts with lower or no regular income and members of the BIPOC community. we are conscious of the risk all the lecturers and hosts took when approaching the symposium, knowing that our budget this year was in your capable hands. thank you for your understanding and your generosity.

01:42:43 Defne Erdur - Team IDOCDE: For Bank Transfer:
Account holder: IMPULSTANZ
IBAN: AT95 12000 00697459600
Bank institution: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Bank address: Rotschildplatz 1, 1020 Wien, Austria
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Recipient Transferwise: IMPULSTANZ, 1070 Wien, Neustiftgasse 3/12 To best track your donation we will need your NAME, ADDRESS, EMAIL, and please reference "IDOCDE DONATION" on the donation so that we receive it. Thank you!

01:42:57 Mick Douglas: that was a delightful encounter between works and worldings - thank you all : )

01:43:01 Susan Sentler: Just to say that allowing time for breakout groups opens up discussion, meeting new voices, an intimate space to consider…different from a Q&A

01:43:23 Defne Erdur - Team IDOCDE: Thank you Susan…

01:43:28 Tomi Kassim: Hi Kerstin is the reconvene time in 6 hours or 13 hours

01:43:39 Great crossing. I have to go to work. Hope to see you again soon xxx

01:43:39 Russell Scoones: Thank you all!!

01:43:42 marisolpvargas: thank you see you soon

01:43:45 Defne Erdur - Team IDOCDE: As pavle said Toni its more than 24 hours

01:43:59 Tomi Kassim: ok

01:44:03 Alina Tretinjak: Thank you everyone :)

01:44:04 Defne Erdur - Team IDOCDE: 16.00 CET is our next meeting

01:45:08 pavleheidler (they/them): 16.00 CEST on Thursday 2020 07 23
01:45:15 pavleheidler (they/them): ?

01:46:39 Thankyou everyone. I was late but have enjoyed listening in.

01:53:33 Katelyn S: Thank you all for sharing your work and for creating this space and format for it to happen.

02:02:41 Amaara Raheem: Social dreaming

02:03:37 Defne Erdur - Team IDOCDE: Thank you all…

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