IDOCs » CHAT TRANSCRIPT Dancing the Domestic
This is the transcript of a chat that emerged during Victoria Hunter's Dancing the Domestic on Tuesday, 2020 07 21 as part of the 2020 IDOCDE Symposium, MAKING PLACE TAKING SPACE.

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00:59:01 deirdre amirault morris, she/her/they, Ogaa Po’ogeh/Tewa land: Victoria will be talking for a bit, then sharing scores, then questions as we have time for it. Grab a pen and paper to jot down scores.

01:01:18 colleeni: What is conceals as well what it reveals.
01:03:00 colleeni: i saw that. It was very highly produced
01:06:56 colleeni: DIY- do it yourself.

01:08:17 deirdre amirault morris, she/her/they, Ogaa Po’ogeh/Tewa land: If you can, please donate to the 2020 IDOCDE symposium. all the proceedings of the donations will go to compensate the lecturers and hosts for their time and the effort they put into this. we are specifically looking for donations to support those lecturers and hosts with lower or no regular income and members of the BIPOC community. we are conscious of the risk all the lecturers and hosts took when approaching the symposium, knowing that our budget this year was in your capable hands. thank you for your understanding and your generosity.
01:08:21 deirdre amirault morris, she/her/they, Ogaa Po’ogeh/Tewa land: For Bank Transfer:
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01:13:05 colleeni: Dense space for site ...
01:13:38 colleeni: social, personal, political are entwined.
01:14:21 colleeni: A “homing” practice might emerge…. wow!

01:19:21 deirdre amirault morris, she/her/they, Ogaa Po’ogeh/Tewa: 3 scores; Do them in order for sense of progression; take 20/25 minutes to do scores; let bodies absorption of the score take you on the journey and work thought he score through the bodies; may stay with one score or do all three.
01:20:08 deirdre amirault morris, she/her/they, Ogaa Po’ogeh/Tewa: 1>) find a space and measure it with your body. ex. How many arm spans to explore this wall; nose spaces; foot spans; rolls…etc.

01:20:19 Susan Sentler: and depending upon the site of the ‘home’. Those that extend/expand to other sites, perhaps other home sites, via the lens of the window(s) and proximities. Materials of the architecture more porous than solid, pressing the exchange. We are dancing with and not alone.

01:21:11 deirdre amirault morris, she/her/they, Ogaa Po’ogeh/Tewa: 2> Floor score: rolling and resting. Start in middle of space like a starfish and then curl form side to side slowly, til you begin to roll, and end when you roll up against an object. Take in the site, then roll back into center and roll again.
01:22:17 deirdre amirault morris, she/her/they, Ogaa Po’ogeh/Tewa: 3> Find a corner space; feel what it is like to be partly closed and partly open. Advance into and retreat from the space; different modes of moving into and out of the space.

01:22:50 Maria Ines Villasmil: thanks

01:50:08 Corinne Jola: What I am not clear is how it relates to the topic of domestic work and gender. Can you say something about that?

01:52:28 colleeni: Dance becoming visible and valued during lockdown…
01:52:43 colleeni: Devaluing of the domestic
01:53:25 colleeni: Aims to bring certain environments into consciousness that are complex and effective/affective..
01:53:39 colleeni: Taking time and space to foreground the space
01:53:50 colleeni: the domestic often gets left behind....

01:53:56 Corinne Jola: yes... i need to think...
01:54:01 Corinne Jola: :)

01:56:11 colleeni: not the classic 50s genre.. of us…
01:56:19 colleeni: Domestic workers…
01:56:51 colleeni: the value. There’s a lot of discussion of the second layer of the domestic.
01:56:55 colleeni: Of the wealthy/
01:57:09 colleeni: migrant workers...
01:57:18 colleeni: Relying on …
01:57:27 colleeni: to complete the domestic labor.

02:01:18 I am listening (Kerstin): Thank you Victoria. That was very insightful for me.

02:01:48 Corinne Jola: It was an interesting task for me as well because I am not at home
02:01:56 Corinne Jola: I am a visitor at the moment.

02:02:41 colleeni: Thank you for this topic……… thank you… for naming these domestic complications.

02:03:11 marisolpvargas: This was a domestic journey of a woman-dancer, trougth a floor and wall thata have been there for years and are there. But, tehere was a change in exploration thata became more valuable

02:05:22 colleeni: CORNERS…
02:05:31 colleeni: Safety and perspective …
02:05:35 colleeni: punishment.
02:05:44 colleeni: What gives me support at this moment
02:06:01 colleeni: the earth…. My sitz bones..
02:07:10 colleeni: Susan: the materials of the architecture of the space...
02:07:29 colleeni: All thiose factors enter into how we ar sin dialogue with ourselves and the space..

02:08:20 Tomi Kassim: The word 'porous' resonates

02:08:36 colleeni: thank you for sharing susan.

02:08:40 Tomi Kassim: more time spent . . . .

02:10:24 Laura Ríos: i measured my sofa with my nose , the door was opened and I thought what my neighbors may thought watching me doing this it was funny

02:10:31 Susan Sentler: thank you for the session. And thank you to all participating. Lovely community.

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