In May 2012, during the P.O.R.C.H. Training Module, I was invited by Ponderosa e.V. to facilitate an experimental reading and writing lab, approaching different practices to theoretical knowledge.
There are many ways to communicate information and many ways to reception it. The body contains knowledge which books do not capture and vice versa. For this lab I created a library with about 100 books where students could have access easily to varied kind of document around dance, performance, body work, visual arts, literature and philosophy. During the lab I offered simple scores to study mutual interaction between two main containers of knowledge, the books and our bodies. Studying, recycling, revisiting, reinterpreting, shaking up theoretical knowledge, to be influenced and inspired by it rather than overwhelmed by it.
One of our reading scores called the book jam* consists in meeting with a group in the library space and reading together from the different reading materials. Participants are free to read or not, read out loud or silently, read simultaneously, move or be quiet, perform in the space, etc.
*I discovered this score a couple of years ago in Ponderosa e.V. I have no idea who exactly first came up with it.
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[type: mp3] Bookjam01SR003F