IDOCs » invitation to continue where The Somatic NOTEbook left off
the continuations of the survey initiated with the publishing of The Somatic NOTEbook.

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In order to contribute to the survey initiated with the publishing of The Somatic NOTEbook,

please: create an idoc, which you will link will this folder, and answer any three of the six questions that are on offer. (see below) The questions are designed to speak, in different ways, to those topics which concern the general focus of the 2019 IDOCDE symposium, entitled Tracing forwards ––––––, intersecting (somatic) legacies and future (art) practices. The questions are also designed to give the reader of the answers an insight into ways in which you specifically relate to somatics.

In a way, you could say, what we are trying to do here is begin to tell a different story of somatics; a story of relevance, a story in which no common narrative exists outside of the conglomeration of individual ones, a story that is at the same time more and less complicated; contradictory, conflictual, I’m sure, but realistic. A story that will make it possible for us to begin to understand where we’re actually at, and what we actually know.

The questions are:

• What is your understanding of somatics — from the viewpoint of your practice?
• Is there a foundational principle you keep revisiting in your practice, which could be referred to as somatic? Can you describe how so?
• What significant bodily (past) experience informs your (present) practice?
• Do you think that somatic practices construct a political self? If so, how?
• How does your somatic practice inform your creative practice? 
• How does your knowledge about history of somatics influence your understanding of contemporary practices?
additional question for the raffle:
• What is, in your experience, the value of the IDOCDE symposium in the context of the ImPulsTanz Dance Festival?

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