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IDOCs » Contact Festival Freiburg 2018 Teachers Meeting Sci-fi Lab
Here you can find images and voice recordings from the Fiction Lab session held in Contact Festival Freiburg 2018 Teachers Meeting, facilitated by Lea Kieffer.

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Title of the LAB: Sci-fi Anatomy and contact improvisation

 Facilitator(s): Lea Kieffer

 Date - time: 07.08.2018 17.00-19.00

Inquiry of the LAB (Questions, Propositions):

Sci-fi anatomy is a research that focus on creating a dialogue between the matter of the body and the sea of our thoughts and imagination. Through touch and words. Working with casual epicness, craftsmanship of the body and magic A guided somatic trip where the content slides from anatomical references onto the slippery slope of science fiction with no holding back. Contradiction, otherness and diversity can cohabit and our realities can melt, shape, reshape and melt again. If reality is a fiction, can we make our fictions a reality?

 This reaserch meets here the specific context of contact improvisation and we explored in this lab the specific dynamics between imagination, touch and dance. 



Ulli Wittemann, Alessandro Franceschelli, Anne-Gaelle Thiriot, Stephanie Auberville, Konstantin Mihos, Marika Rizzi, Patrick Gaiaudo, Romain Bige, Barbara Stahlberger, Joe Dumit, Jenny Döll








This document is created based on the consent of all the participating teachers during the contactfestival freiburg Teachers Meeting 2018. 


If for some reason you (as one of the participants of this meeting) changed your mind and wish some or all parts of this document not to be published, please contact




Lea Touch Score Planet 2
Lea Touch Score Planet 1
Lea Fiction Lab Facilitation
Lea Last Discussion
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[type: mp3Lea Touch Score Planet 2
[type: mp3Lea Touch Score Planet 1
[type: mp3Lea Fiction Lab Facilitation
[type: mp3Lea Last Discussion

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