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Nita Little // Teacher
IDOCs » proposal for Symposium 2017 – Under consideration: Rosie Braidotti Redux / or A Rose by Any Other Name
This idoc contains Nita Little's proposal for IDOCDE Symposium 2017

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- FULL NAME: Nita Little

- PHONE NUMBER: +1-831-818-1559

- EMAIL:        

- SHORT BIOGRAPHY (400-500 characters) – relevant to the proposal, Symposium theme

Nita Little is an activist for relational intelligence through dance practices beginning with the emergence and development of Contact Improvisation (CI). A dancer, teacher, choreographer, and theorist, her work with Steve Paxton was research generative of CI in 1972. Little received her PhD in Performance Studies in 2014.. She tours worldwide on a regular basis. Her writing investigates ecological actions of attention and the creative potentials present in entangled relations. She is in the initial stages of developing a global institute for the study of Somatic Communication ( ____________________________________________________________                                                                                         

- TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Under ccnsideration: Rosie Braidotti Redux / or A Rose by Any Other Name

- DETAILED CONTENT DESCRIPTION (max. 2000 characters): This is a playful and simple performance of Rosie Braidotti’s keynote lecture on Posthumanism (Prof. Rosi Braidotti - Keynote Lecture - Posthumanism and Society Conference, New York 9 May 2015 found at  In this event, various performers would replaice Braidotti’s visage with their own in a kind of Karaoke performance of her words. This would become a kind of gesture/spoken/dance. A podium and a video projection would be placed side by side so that her actual performance is part of the experience, although the sound will be turned off unless a particular performer requests to use her voice.  A line of performers waiting in line will replace one another at a podium. Each will have carefully practiced their 2.5 minute part of the lecture so as to speak it perfectly with her gestures and words. They  may use their own voice or her voice as long as this is determined ahead of time. They may also enhance her gestures however they please although the tone needs to be consistent in some way with hers. The total time for this event will be around 15 – 20 minutes. Depending upon the total number of participants, the performers may give their part of the lecture and then return to the line to do this again for another part of the lecture. Performers will be drawn from IDOCDE members in the weeks prior to the conference so that the performance is prepared in advance. 

- SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION AND MOTIVATION (max 400- 500 characters; for publishing)

 This is a playful and simple performance of Rosie Braidotti’s keynote lecture on Posthumanism (Prof. Rosi Braidotti - Keynote Lecture - Posthumanism and Society Conference, New York 9 May 2015 found at  In this event, various performers would replaice Braidotti’s visage with their own in a kind of Karaoke performance of her words.

- SHORT BIOGRAPHY (max 60 words for publishing (if co-taught all in all max 60 words) 


Posthumanism, antihumanism, ecofeminism, post anthropocentrism, nomadic subjects



- Participating requirements (for whom is this workshop for?): Performance for general IDOCDE Audience. 

- TIME REQUIREMENTS (how much time do you need for sharing?) 20 minutes

- SPACE REQUIREMENTS (what kind of space do you require for your sharing? studio size etc) Studio with projection wall.


TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (what kind of technical support do you require? audio, beamer etc): Video projector and lecturn for giving a speech. Audio support for video. 



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