IDOCs » The Legacy Project Premiere
The Legacy Project; what is to become a publicly available collection of video documents made by individual participants documenting lineages of valuable lessons learned.

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The Legacy Project stands for a publicly available collection of video documents made by individual participants, often registered IDOCDE users. The Legacy Project is a community driven project. Responsible for moderation, management and hosting of the project is IDOCDE, hereby represented by pavleheidler, co-editor of the IDOCDE website.

The objective of any individual record registered as The Legacy Project is to document a tracing of a lineage of a valuable lesson learned at any point in time during the course of one’s professional career. The Lesson featured in the record is assumed to be regarded as valuable by the document’s creator. By means of the document, the lesson’s value is articulated and as such shared with the community.

The Legacy Project documents lessons that have made an effect on one’s dancing, dance learning and dance teaching (whatever that might entail).

In tracing of the lineage two properties are observed: the form or formulation of the lesson when it was passed on (objective), and the impression the lesson made on the document’s creator (subjective). Both are to be documented, though separately from one another; even if the actual experience of learning the lesson disregards the separation. 




more information and instruction to how you can get involved following The Project's Premiere! STAY TUNED! 

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