user avatarSybrig Dokter Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarZoltán Nagy // Teacher
IDOCs » Food For the Day 2 - Teaching Form[less]? - 2015
During the 45 minutes of this warm-up I wanted to continue exploring the notion of automatic movement and automatic speaking. After resting somewhere in a comfortable position while doing nothing; no adjusting, no trying to get into a ‘better’ position, no trying to answer questions or think out strategies for anything we entered into a session of automatic moving. In the session we let movement come from where it wants to come.

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Warm-up on Sunday 26 july by Sybrig Dokter

During the 45 minutes of this warm-up I wanted to continue exploring the notion of automatic movement and automatic speaking.

After resting somewhere in a comfortable position while doing nothing; no adjusting, no trying to get into a ‘better’ position, no trying to answer questions or think out strategies for anything we entered into a session of automatic moving. In the session we let movement come from where it wants to come; go from one movement to another in any kind of connection and this time also pondering on the question what form or formlessness could be. We are not necessarily trying to answer the question but thinking about all issues around it as they come up in our minds while moving automatically. From there we started with automatic speaking and at the same time borrow from other people. Trying out ideas and opinions from other people. Seeing what it feels like to uphold other people’s ideas.

From operating as an individual to connecting to people by taking on their ideas we went to ‘moving - as - one’ where we tried to let movement come into existence simultaneously and in that way enter a following/leading mode.

The structures and tools used in this warming-up are both accessible and complicated and grow with the amount of time practicing.

Sybrig Dokter

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