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Marta Peres // Teacher
IDOCs » Dance, Human Body and Diversity
The discipline called "Dance and Human Body" was created after a discussion about teaching Physiology to dancers. They used to study in the same class as some health area graduations and we decided they did not have the same goals. For instance, a painter may study human anatomy but he does not have the same goals as a doctor. The practical approach offers an opportunity to the dancers/dance students of recognizing the movement quality factors in their own body systems. From the Laban System/Bartenieff/Bainbridge Cohen writings, each body system can be linked to a factor: bones-space; muscles-weight; nervous system-time; fluid systems-flow. Practical classes are based on Angel Vianna movement awareness approach. This experience is very useful to invite the students to work with disabled persons and psychiatric patients in the Extension Project called "Paratodos" ('For All'). Each one experience can be the material for a polifonic conception performance. This is the main subject of this workshop purpose.

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The discipline called "Dance and Human Body" was created after a discussion about teaching Physiology to dancers. They used to study in the same class as some health area graduations and we decided they did not have the same goals. For instance, a painter may study human anatomy but he does not have the same goals as a doctor. The practical approach offers an opportunity to the dancers/dance students of recognizing the movement quality factors in their own body systems. From the Laban System/Bartenieff/Bainbridge Cohen writings, each body system can be linked to a factor: bones-space; muscles-weight; nervous system-time; fluid systems-flow. Practical classes are based on Angel Vianna movement awareness approach. This experience is very useful to invite the students to work with disabled persons and psychiatric patients in the Extension Project called "Paratodos" ('For All'). Each one experience can be the material for a polifonic conception performance.

jongo 1

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Marta Peres // Teacher
- PHONE NUMBER: 55 21 985626393 – 55 21 25412807
- TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Dance, Human Body and Diversity
The discipline called "Dance and Human Body" was created after a discussion about teaching Physiology to dancers. They used to study in the same class as some health area graduations and we decided they did not have the same goals. For instance, a painter may study human anatomy but he does not have the same goals as a doctor. The practical approach offers an opportunity to the dancers/dance students of recognizing the movement quality factors in their own body systems. From the Laban System/Bartenieff/Bainbridge Cohen writings, each body system can be linked to a factor: bones-space; muscles-weight; nervous system-time; fluid systems-flow. Practical classes are based on Angel Vianna movement awareness approach. This experience is very useful to invite the students to work with disabled persons and psychiatric patients in the Extension Project called "Paratodos" ('For All'). Each one experience can be the material for a polifonic conception performance.
- SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION (max 60 words; for publishing)
"Dance and Human Body" is a discipline of UFRJ Dance Department. Students recognize the movement quality factors in their own body systems. From Laban/Bartenieff/Bainbridge Cohen writings, each body system can be linked to a fator. Practical classes are based on Angel Vianna movement awareness approach. This experience is very useful to the students to work with disabled persons.
- SHORT BIOGRAPHY (max 60 words for publishing (if co-taught all in all max 60 words)
- Marta Peres is a Brazilian dance teacher graduated at ANGEL VIANNA School (Rio de Janeiro, 1990). She is aa physical therapist (IBMR,1996); Master in Health Science (UnB, 2000), PhD in Sociology (UnB,2005), post PhD (UFRJ,2006), post PhD at University of Sao Paulo. She has been working with people with disabilities and psychiatric patients for more than 20 years.
- Dance Students, dance teachers, actors, disabled persons, wheelchair users.
- TIME REQUEST: 120 minutes
- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc): áudio equipment.
- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc): an ordinary dance class room with an appropriated floor.

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