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[FFTD] Centric Circle Movements
Centric circle movements as a barometer, as a visual meter, a beginning start into the TEACH ME(NOT)! 2ND IDOCDE SYMPOSIUM ON CONTEMPORARY DANCE EDUCATION
Centric circle movements as a barometer, as a visual meter, a beginning start into the TEACH ME(NOT)! 2ND IDOCDE SYMPOSIUM ON CONTEMPORARY DANCE EDUCATION
'spirals circles serpentine' during ImPulsTanz 27 - 31 of Aug. 20...
Andrea Boll spirals circles serpentines We practice spiralling, circling, and serpentine movements in order to move economically, healthy and joyful. We train to use centrifuga...
Andrea Boll spirals circles serpentines We practice spiralling, circling, and serpentine movements in order to move economically, healthy and joyful. We train to use centrifuga...

By [Multiple Creators]