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[deu] Tanztechnik im Wandel
Diesen getanzten Vortrag habe ich für die Choreographie-Tagung "Zwischen Tanztechnik und Choreographie" konzipiert. Darin wird die Veränderung grundlegender Bewegungsaspekte vom...
Diesen getanzten Vortrag habe ich für die Choreographie-Tagung "Zwischen Tanztechnik und Choreographie" konzipiert. Darin wird die Veränderung grundlegender Bewegungsaspekte vom...
1 appreciation 508 views
Symposium Reflections - On Teaching and the Importance of Being N...
a short reflection on before/during/after the Symposium
a short reflection on before/during/after the Symposium
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 3467 views
Opening of the 2nd IDOCDE Symposium 2014
Documentation of the Symposium Opening on Friday the 1st of August, 2014, at Arzenal Studio A.
Documentation of the Symposium Opening on Friday the 1st of August, 2014, at Arzenal Studio A.
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 555 views
Home at the symposium
During the symposium "teach me(not)!" I gave a one hour lecture on the didactical methods used in the project HOME with teenage children from children homes in Moldova, Ukraine and...
During the symposium "teach me(not)!" I gave a one hour lecture on the didactical methods used in the project HOME with teenage children from children homes in Moldova, Ukraine and...
By [Multiple Creators]
1 appreciation 3913 views
Informal campfire talks around the theme Teaching Form[less]? from 20:15 outdoors!
Informal campfire talks around the theme Teaching Form[less]? from 20:15 outdoors!
By [Multiple Creators]
0 appreciations 3111 views