The matching IDOCs also contained the following tags. Click to append to the above search field:
Tango Argentino Gender and role transference Cultural perspectives Contemporary teachings of Tango Dance history dance ethnography writing multi-culturalism Contemporary Dance conciousness transformation transculturalism Contemporary Dance tango learning / teaching cross-cultural dance analysis cultural studies Verbatim Dance Theatre
5 matches found |
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Gender, transference and subjective body in the contemporary teac...
Gender, transference and subjective body in the contemporary teachings of tango practice - Video Documentation 4th IDOCDE Symposium ImpulsTanzFestival Vienna 2016
Gender, transference and subjective body in the contemporary teachings of tango practice - Video Documentation 4th IDOCDE Symposium ImpulsTanzFestival Vienna 2016
Bodies in The World
How do students use dance history as a set of tools to perceive the importance of bodies in the world?
How do students use dance history as a set of tools to perceive the importance of bodies in the world?
transcultural dance practice
Maxi Hill reflects on the transcultural dance practice of Germaine Acogny. The interview is part of a research of Lot Siebe on the transcultural dance practice of Germaine and Patr...
Maxi Hill reflects on the transcultural dance practice of Germaine Acogny. The interview is part of a research of Lot Siebe on the transcultural dance practice of Germaine and Patr...
Proposal IDOCDE 2016: Gender, transference and subjective body in...
Lecture followed by a tango practice oriented to contemporary dancers. My main concern as dramaturge is to look at the construction sources of the tango dance in order to rescue it...
Lecture followed by a tango practice oriented to contemporary dancers. My main concern as dramaturge is to look at the construction sources of the tango dance in order to rescue it...
[nld] Can we talk about this? An interdisciplinary analysis
This is my BA-Thesis (Dutch studies) written in Dutch and the abstract (in German). It is concerned with an analysis of a fragment of DV8's dance piece 'Can we talk about this?'....
This is my BA-Thesis (Dutch studies) written in Dutch and the abstract (in German). It is concerned with an analysis of a fragment of DV8's dance piece 'Can we talk about this?'....