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CI Jams getting lost principles somatics physiology yoga site-specific improvisation performance general public society fascia documentation teaching interdisciplinary approach facilitation methods student teacher questions decisions instant composition story public space exquisite corpse weight exercices propositions site specific relaxation method Aloha body consciousness everything authentic movement recycling Image meditation perception awareness site-specific experiential collaboration community Symposium activity complicity togetherness contact improvisation release technique contemporary technique audience behavior interaction group behavior sociology Contemporary Dance Juliana Neves improvisation composition dance circus investigation training Nervous system science fascia proprioception perception Matthew Smith choreography CI Movement and Dance Therapy fascia anatomy improvisation documentation Contemporary Dance somatics body awareness body consciousness documentation TTT Brussels Eva Maes Anouk Laurens Eva Maes Anouk Lauren sacrum sternum occiput BMC Louise Chardon anatomy somatic sensation contemporary dance teaching methods partnerwork education Ballet alternatives experimental hearing the body bar exercises mouvement documentation à l'ancienne site-specific site contact improvisation amateurs social body dance improvisation society Teaching Practice Contact Improvisation Student Feedbacks Teaching Notes Contact Improvisation dancing in nature technique and intuition site specific / outdoor dance training and movement research Whirling/Spinning Somatics Improvisation Pushing-Bounderies Higher-Awareness Consciousness Subconsciousness Amplification philosophy Science Karl Popper Somapoétique Dance and literature consciousness body-mind memory Movement Research symbolic choreography kinesthetics intuition embodiment hermeneutic movement exploration society and awareness fluidity circulation energy conciousness Contemporary/Modern Dance Flow & Quality of Movement Conscious Use of Breath Permeability of the Body facilitating teaching dance performance body awareness movement eating disorder somatics mind/brain Science circle get to know eacht other Teach me (not)! Partnering improvisation class salsa all kind of couple dancing with contemporary appreciation teaching methods helpful games/exercises Contemporary Dance interdisciplinary youth sequencing connections Semiotics Embodiment Translation Interdisciplinarity Dance Studies Metaphor Reviewed. Luis Lara Malvacias workshop at Le Pacifique DCD Grenoble France: Resistance Delay Accumulation and Mobilization. ballet modern improvisation somatics neuromuscular fascilitation sensorial games exercises dance education dance hand balancing Acrobatics writing documenting outdoors sharing multidisciplinary nature unconscious Practices with some principles and techniques of contemporary dance movements Fascia Myoreflex movement research radical empiricism choreography practice perceiving receptivity input/output improvisation not knowing vs knowing repeating yourself repeating others forgetting and remembering dramaturgy outside eye. spending time alone in the studio vs taking a walk ways of seeing making making decisions objects what objects language writing re writing Softness and mildness are the main characteristics of this method. To develop strength flexibility and coordination in a process in which instead of working with too much strain the musculature must flow. The specific exercises of The method concentrates on movement mechanisms of the musculature. floor work light nature Teaching Festival indeterminableness in dancing improvisational dance work graphic art students class description music appreciation ear training improvisation dancing sculpturing The Choreography of Documenation Performance Writing Associative writing tree Contemporary Dance conciousness transformation transculturalism facia spirals circles serpentine contemporary dance class alignment economical danning / moving artistic research in social fields China research Society Lecture-Performance Costume worms invasive species approximation physical practice Cognitive science Embodied Creativity Dance education Teaching Practice Feedback Research Science warm up sourcing movement REFLEX Research Improvisation Teaching strategies contemporary adults participative non-dancers social justice Acrobatics dance education balance capoeira circus Acrobatics hand balancing verticality circus dance teaching mind the dance research horizontality score improvisation sociology somatic practices real time choreography liquid society Zygmunt Bauman Social theory critical theory anti-capitalist strategies 21st century media predictive technology “lateral strategies” fiction imagination hope knowledge subjectivity identity corporeality. constellation decision making Contemporary Dance Class in Couple Marcial Arts symposium proposal ensemble citizenship Norse Mythology / Identity authenticity creative process tensegrity teaching hand balancing Acrobatics edible documentation real time documentation fascia as narrator Mind the Dance Lab Fascia as narrator Coaching Scratchin the script theory and pratcice science fiction neuroaesthetics paradigm shift Teachers Meeting Report composition workshop Tuning scores dance history self-study artistic research anti-colonialism antifascism Dancing to Silence seniors civil methodology
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Contact Festival Freiburg 2018 Teachers Meeting - Research Projec...
Research Project of Joe Dumit : Bestiary of Living Scores. How do we consciously or intentionally enter, play with, and enjoy jams? When one of us loses the immediacy of pres...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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Some thoughts to yoga as a movement practice (a myoreflex viewpoi...
This is an article I wrote for the Austrian yoga teachers' association magazine about muscle use and its implications. Although it is directed to Yoga teachers, I think there are a...
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By Kerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member
15 appreciations    967 views

PORCH interview Alicia & Zinnzi
An interview from the participants interviewing each other. Their perspective of learning how to create spontaneous art & dance shorts or singular events while taking part of th...
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By stephanie maher
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What is dance? - views from the street
We started with curiosity about what society thinks about dance and asking questions to the general public about their impressions and ideas about what dance is for them. Does danc...
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By [Multiple Creators]
9 appreciations    2662 views

[FFTD] What methods do you use to...
Student teacher interaction is a very important dynamic in a class. I am interested in empowering my students to think independently and to be provoked into questioning the materi...
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By Matthew Smith
3 appreciations    608 views

[FFTD] in or out?
this was a task (given by laurent ziegler) at IDOCDE vienna at impulstanz yesterday, beeing an observer with a recording device documenting a task you've given to two collegues, be...
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By Nici Rutrecht Eligible Member
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Video of exquisite corpse Ponderosa August 15 th 2012 meeting
The exquisite corpse is a way to offer different approaches to any subject creating a physical patchwork of 6 minutes proposals around one topic, here the weight. Score : Choose...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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