To become eligible for the LEAP activities:
- a full profile as an entry
- 1 class description idoc ( please check the editorial guidelines in the help session)
- 1 class documentation idoc (of an actually held class, a combination of description + graphic or pic or video)
- 1 comment or forum contribution (a comment ideally as an explanation of an appreciation)
When fulfilled these criterias, please send a note to Defne:
She will add the eligibility blue dot next to your name within the following day!
Once you are eligible, then you stay eligible for the current calendar year.
To stay eligible the following years (2015...):
- 1 idoc that meets editorial guidelines uploaded in the last six months,
- invite at least 1 teacher in the last year who also completes a profile
- 3 from the following in the last 6 months: comment, food for the day or contribution to forum
All eligible IDOCDE teachers will get reduced price for IDOCDE Symposiums.
Only teachers that are residents in one of our partner countries are eligible for TABs & TRs.