user avatarAnouk LLaurens Eligible Member // Teacher
user avatarEva Maes // Teacher
IDOCs » TTT meeting Brussels, class proposal Eva Maes and Anouk Llaurens
The two movements proposals that will dialogue in this co-teached class( Eva Maes ‘Fluid Pathways’ and Anouk Llaurens ‘What is the shape of your visual field’), is a prolongation of an already existing relationship. One important support for the development of Lisa Nelson work where her meetings with Bonnie Bain Cohen in the 70.

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The two movements proposals that will dialogue in this co-teached class  - Eva Maes ‘Fluid Pathways’ and Anouk Llaurens ‘What is the shape of your visual field’ - is a prolongation of an already existing relationship. One important support for the development of Lisa Nelson work where her meetings with Bonnie Bain Cohen in the 70.


Fluid Pathways

By Eva Maes for the TTT meeting Brussels/Antwerp, June 2013



One of the branches of Body-Mind Centering® experiential anatomy work dives deeply into the exploration of the fluid pathways of the body.
Essentially, all fluids of our body are one fluid that is mainly made of water. The fluids are always transforming; passing through different membranes and channels, interacting with various substances, transporting nutrients to the body and transporting wastes out of the body.

In a 60 minutes class I would like to explore fluid exchanges happening at the cellular level.
The cellular membrane acting as a first meeting point/barrier connecting inner and more exterior realms. The movement potential of the cell, one of expansion and condension, is one of the basic forms worked with and returned to in BMC related explorations. To quote Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen: 'Support preceeds movement'. Cellullar awareness offers a way to (re)find this base of support. This movement potential and fluid exchange processes of the cell are a tangable  reality of the body, that can be attended to and tuned into.

Exchanging some anatomical 'info' and working shortly with touch ('hands-on'), to prepare ourselfs for an individual but shared interiorisation/exteriorisation/ interiorisation/..... of experiences of stillness, movement, pauses,inspiration, memory, rest....


What is the shape of your visual field?

By Anouk Llaurens for the TTT meeting Brussels/Antwerp, June 2013



Duration 1 hour.

We will first play with observing the limit of our visual field. By moving and pausing we will then notice what is “in” the frame and “out” of the frame. We will observe how the movements of the eyes and movements of the head head are changing the content of that frame. Our peripheral vision awakened, we will play with our hands entering and exiting our field of visions. Along the way, we will use calls from Lisa Nelson “tuning scores” like, pause, reverse, repeat, report, open and close in order to refine our experience and visit unexpected movement pathways.


TTT stands for Teaching The Teachers . It is an initiative from Jardin d'Europe which aims at giving an answer to a European dance scene in need of new teaching and training methods in the field of Contemporary Dance, taking into account the various forms enriching dance creation nowadays, such as dramaturgy, scenography, lighting, visual arts practices, transforming movement into film/image, dance photography. Respective activities e.g. workshops, lasting each of them about ten days - are taking place at the relevant intiatives/venues of the participating co-organisers (Ultima Vez for Brussels

visual field anouk

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