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IDOCs » „Meeting point” installation performance
installation performance for the idocde symposium

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FULL NAME: Krisztina Ferencz


- PHONE NUMBER: 36 20 4141-258

- KEY TEACHER (YES/NO. if yes, which partner organization?): Yes, Workshop Foundation, Budapest, Hungary


 TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: „Meeting point” installation performance


-        DETAILED CONTENT DESCRIPTION (300 words or more):

The performance is an on-going invitation to be present in an installation space, where everyone can move in, dance, relate or not, be moved, compose in any way or just be there for a while, then leave. It is a space to present ourselves who we are. It offers a possibility to realize what characteristics, natures, habits have we in common or not. To get to know each other by being in that space and watching those who are there.  Passing by everyone can just watch or can feel free to join to present her/him self alone, or with others in that performance-space. It is a curious performance space, where might be open to one another through certain frames.

The space is chosen (in a lobby or entrance of the building, or on the corridor) and the edges are marked with low cordon, (or floor tape) as well as it is lit with three spot lights. There are three sign boards standing in the space. (front of the space). On each board one written statement stands. (movable titles). (Statements are both prepared and spontaneously written, see later).Whoever is passing by can read the statements (can also write a new and place it on the board) then enter if there is one that is true for him or herself. When entering, the performance begins and the person can present him/her self in the performance-space, according to what is written on the board.

So the rule is: The statement must be true to the person.

There will be instructions and papers for writing (pens, chalks etc) at the side of the performance-space. Also there will be prepared (written) statements, but everyone is welcome to make up new ones on the spot. The performance (will be) is documented by a hanged video camera. The Installation performance can last one whole day.

The “Meeting point” installation performance is made for sharing and presenting ourselves.

Examples for prepared statements:

         I don’t have a driving license

         We are over 30.

         I still have questions of documentation

         We don’t know each other’s name

         I am single

         We are men

         I am not dancing.


- SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION (about 60 words; for publishing)

The prepared-performance-space-consist of 3 sign boards standing in front of the lighted, marked area. On each board there are statements. The statement must be true to the entering person.

Everyone can move in, dance, relate or not, be moved, compose in any way or just be there for a while, then leave according to what is written on the board. There will be instructions and papers for writing (pens, chalks etc) at the side of the performance-space.

The “Meeting point” installation performance is made for sharing and presenting ourselves.

- SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Krisztina Ferencz

Is a performer and dance teacher. She was a member of the Teatr Wizji i RuchuLublin, Poland in 1990-1991. She obtained her degree in dance at the ArtEZ (formal EDDC) in the Netherlands in 2000. She has been a founder of the group Filter Performance. In 2012 she gained her MA at the Hungarian Dance Academy in teaching dance. At present she works as dance teacher, and she is a member of the Artus Studio. 


All participants of IDOCDE Symposium


-  TIME REQUEST: Setting up the space on Saturday morning and have it there for the whole day. (taking off in the evening )

- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc):

Possibly 3-6 theaterlights

- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc):

Approximately 24 nm (4 deep-6 long) - Covering floor with dance carpet (if necessary)

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