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Sabina Holzer Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Fiction in Motion1
This is a summery of a 4 days seminar I was teaching at Conservatory in Vienna in February 2013. The seminar was for the 3rd and 4th year and lasted 4 hours per day, with half an hour break. The summery refers to the structure and exercises, to which I give short descriptions.

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„Fiction in Motion" is a research to investigate how language and movement are interrelated.

- Everyday we would start with a warm up (basic exercises you will find in „Fiction in Motion" exercises) and these warm up started with a kind of easy chat, a confabulation with the assignment to keep moving in a easy warming up way, while talking or listening to each other. In this session we introduced each other, shared thoughts and questions.

Day one:

Going to a place in space, doing:

- „automatique talking": either talk and express what ever is in your mind, or talk about what you did and what happend since you woke up. Use your hands while talking - even if it feels unnatural or a bit forced.
Listen to yourself. What is happening? Play with the volume and tempo of your voice. How does it influence your movements. Listen to yourself. What is happening?

- Stop talking and continue with hands, how they are connected to the torso (spyn) and the whole body. Let the movement bring you in space.

- Look for a partner and start to dialog just in movements. If one is moving, the other is listening (not moving) and stays in a pedestrain position.
Change partners. This time keep the position in which you have been interrupted, till you start moving again.
Always keep „dialogue" in mind. What is happing in dialogues? - People repeat themselves, or repeat what the other has „said", to see if they have understand; they respond to each other; they jump to another story, they argue...

- Physical and voice warm up to give body and voice information alignment and preventing injury.
  Ending with an improvisation using movement and voice. 

- Automatic writing session. You can write what ever is in your mind. If you want, keep the question in the back of your mind:  What is important in your live for you at that moment?
Exchange of the experience of writing, not of the material written.

- Group improvisation: Stand in a line, a with the back to the audience, if you turn around, tell something about your live. Keep talking as long as someone else is turning around and interrupts you. The one whose talking has to keep talking until s/he is interrupted. You chose if you lie or tell the truth.

Doing a few rounds in order to play with timing, volume and intentions.

(This exercises are inspired by Ruth Zapora and Vera Mantero.)






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