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IDOCs » What is your favorite rule while teaching?
I added John Cage's 10 rules that are designed both for teachers and students. Please add your rule/rules of your own choice in to the "main text" ( not as a comment please )

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1) Find a place you trust, and then try trusting it for awhile.

2) General duties of a student- pull everything out of your teacher, pull everything out of your fellow students.

3) General duties of a teacher - pull everything out of your student.

4) Consider everything an experiment.

5) Be self disciplined- this means finding someone wise or smart and choosing to follow them. To be disciplined is to follow in a good way. To be self sisciplined is to follow in a better way.

6) Nothing is a mistake.

     There is no win and no fail, there is only make.

7) The only rule is work. İf you work it will lead to something. 

      It's people who do all of the work all of the time  who eventually catch on to things.

8) Don't try to create and analyze at the same time. 

     They are diffrent processes.

9) Be happy whenever you can manage it. 

   Enjoy your self. İt's lighter than you think.

10) We're breaking all the rules. Even our own rules. And how do we do that? By leaving plenty of room for X quantities.

HINTS: Always be around. Come or go to everything. Always go to classes. Read anything you can get your hands on. Look at movies carefully, often. Save everything - it might come  in handy later.

 11)Trust only 50 %. You need to leave space for others to be able to change thier minds/ beliefs/ core values and you need space for yourself to interpret how you see/understand/ embrace others when they have made those changes.   ( Jeanette Bolding)


12) Yes, you can.
Yes, I know.
Feed and accept.
Have a good life.

(Andrea Bold)

13) Come as you are (Nicolas Hubert)

14) even when/if you're not teaching improvisation (and maybe especially if/when you don't)
let improvisation come to you while you teach : a good way to be aware, and to learn as you teach.
(Nicolas Hubert) 
15) As a teacher or a student believe that no one can awoid learning something, no matter how unmotivated you are(or your student/teacher is), no matter how stupid the class is or bad the circumstances are. Trust the process of learning, it is in the human nature. Recognize this and then see how much you can achieve when you add some motivation or any other "good stuff".(Elina Ikonen)
16) Follow your interrest ( Anouk Llaurens from Lisa Nelson )
17) become as neutral as possible before you start something new (Michael Kellenberger)
18) as teacher...keep your expectations low, your self esteem as high as possible. the same is true for the participants / students, only they might not think it consciously
  (Sibylle Starkboum)


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zoi kollatou // Teacher

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maRia Probst // Teacher
Start moving. You will find what interests you along the way.

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Nadja Pärssinen Eligible Member // Teacher
I really like Sannas´s sentence "There is no bad place to work, there are just circumstances", because it´s
allows me to see even the hardest situations in a easy light, that doenst put me to think experiences only form the spychological point of few, but rather in a wider context, where all of us has issues and things to deal. Moving together will provoke another layers and connections bewteen us.

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Rebecca Pappas Eligible Member // Teacher
Be curious. Cultivating curiosity is your job.

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