We worked by 3 - 1 starts lying (the mover), 2 other are supporting.
The mover starts from a place of yielding into the ground, surrundering the tottality of its weight into gravity.
The 2 other partners take hold each of one limb of the mover and beggin to move it passively in relation to gravity.
When the holders feel the tone of the mover has changed, became more full, they can choose an other body part.
Progressively, the mover starts to take grammes of its weight away from gravity. Progressivelly, and always being able to regnonize how much is given into the support of his/her partners hands or to the ground and how much is lifted away, and also being able to return to full yielding if needed.
By growing into this relation to gravity, progressivelly and with acuity, the mover comes to the point of autonomously moving from a place where lifting is related to gravity.
(Inspired by Christie Da Perna in the CarWash Theater (Antwerpen) during a contact impro workshop).