IDOCs » Contact Festival Freiburg 2019 Teachers Meeting Body politics, limits, concent, sexuality, support lab
Body politics, limits, concent, sexuality, support lab held in Contact Festival Freiburg 2019 Teachers Meeting

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Title of the LAB: Body politics, limits, concent, sexuality, support lab 

As a result of the discussions in this lab, a support group came together and created this document for the participants of the Contact Festival Freiburg:



 During our inquiries of dance and living together this week, we expect to have pleasurable, joyful times. However our practice can sometimes be challenging and risky. We might get distressed and could feel hurt physically, emotionally, or sexually. This year we have a team of teachers who wish to bring awareness to and support such issues during the festival — in and outside of the dance floor.

 So, at any moment, if you feel discomfort during an interaction

or if you feel that your boundaries got crossed and you were not able to address it or if you were/are confused;

or if you feel you might have crossed someones boundaries and did not know what to do about it

you are invited to approach a member of this team and ask for support to process.

Whatever you share will be handled with care and will stay as confidential as you wish.

The names and pictures of the team of teachers are here on the Bulletin Board.

If you would like to join the team please let Defne know, so that your name and picture can be placed here.


Support Team Member - Communication Languages

Gesine            German, English

Markus            German, English

Defne              Turkish, English

Mathilde          French 

Emeline           French

Romain           French, English

Mary                English, French, Italian

Natividad        Spanish

Elisa                English, Italian

Teti                  Greek, English

Bradley           English

Kevin               English

Ale                  English, Spanish

Olive               English



This document is created based on the consent of all the participating teachers during the contactfestival freiburg Teachers Meeting 2019. 

If for some reason you (as one of the participants of this meeting) changed your mind and wish some or all parts of this document not to be published, please contact


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