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This composition class is inspire by Lisa Nelson and Julien Bruneau's work.
The duration is 120 minutes.
You don't need to know how to draw. i will provide paper and pen.
I start with explaining the whole process (20 min).Then we go for it with the minimum of dispersion between the different phases.
1) The first part is a personal adaptation of a Lisa Nelson proposition.
a) We start with a partner, sitting in front of each other. One person is active; the other is offering her forearm or hand as a stable environment. The active person plays with two possibilities: He uses one hand to explore the offered environment, or uses the environment to explore himself. Both people alternate eyes shut and eyes open. We change role. (30 min)
b) We leave our partner, look at the space and choose another stable environment to explore . We start the exploration with one hand than extend it to the entire body. We play with the second option, using the environment to explore ourselves. Alternating eyes shut and open. ( 20 min).
2) In the second part, we document our individual experience (1b) through a drawing process inspire by a Julien Bruneau score.
a) Each person go to take a pen , a sheet of paper and comes back to where she was. She closes her eyes and spend a moment revisiting her past experience, re-calling the sensations. ( 5 min)
b) Whenever ready, she uses the pen to translate, with traces or forms, any kinesthetic, visual, touch, earing sensation that comes back. The drawing is a feedback of the past experience so it is really important to stay connected to it. It is not an automatic drawing, there can be some pauses. (15 min )
3) The last part is to compose a collective feedback environment with all drawings.
a) Each person take a moment to look at its own drawing and write his name and it's direction at the back. (5min)
b) Each person take a moment to place the drawing in relation to its environment 'source.(10 min)
c) Everyone follow his own interest in looking at other's drawing and at the general situation (10 min)
d) We gather all drawings and sit one minute in silence to end the "class". ( 5min)
I am sure that there will be a lot of questions and things to talk about at the end of this proposal . I will be very happy to find a moment to gather oral, written or any other kind of feedback. I would like to keep as much drawing as possible, choose some very different one and interview the people who made them to know more about their drawing experience and choices ( what did they draw ? what was their drawing strategy?)