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- FULL NAME: Dorka Farkas
- PHONE NUMBER: +3670 4229070
- TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Abilities for Inclusive dance
This proposal is modelling possible approaches for leading a group for people with different abilities. First we have a ’verbal circle’ allowing everyone to have the focus (verbally if possible) than we will have a ’moving part’ that aims to introduce more or less the same material (themes) adapted for different groups. We try various situations: how it works for the blind, for the wheelchair users, for autistic people, or children, or elderly people. We would experience slight differences also in the context: is it a jam, a class, a rehearsal? How the very same material can transform depending on the changing surroundings? As resolution we make art – we make a 5 min.long performance.
After a brief discussion I would show pictures and videos of my work and the ArtMan Association’s work: to introduce and demonstrate how these approaches can be used in extreme situations: in closed intitutes, street art, kindergardens, family contact jams, or dance/theatre performances.
- SUMMARY OF CONTENT DESCRIPTION (max 60 words; publishing)
This proposal is modelling possible approaches for leading a group for people with different abilities. We see how we adopt the same material for the blind, for wheelchair users, autistic people, children, or elderly people.
I show videos of my work and the ArtMan Association’s work: to demonstrate inclusivity in closed intitutes, street art or theatre performances.
SHORT BIOGRAPHY (max 60 words for publishing (if co-taught all in all max 60 words)
I teach and perform contact-improv and improvisation since 2000. I am member of board of the 'Artman Association. I gained experience in teaching body and movement awareness for the visually impaired. I am recently co-leading Ensamble Tanceania( the only mixed ability contemporary dance Co. in HU with Eszter Gál and Ferenc Kálmán. Also worked with people with autistic spectrum disorder in a groep led by Agnes Gyulavari.
Everybody is welcome- with all abilities
min. 3 max 40 people
- TIME REQUEST: 90 min. 20 min. verbal intro, 50 min. practice, 20 min. video from rehearsals, classes, and performances
- TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (audio, beamer etc): audio, beamer, wheelcair if available
- SPACE NECESSITY (studio size etc): - doors shut please