Jocelyn Bergland developed a preparatory training program for adolescent dancers where critical reflection is an important part of the program besides daily technical training and creative work. Through reflection they monitor development and growth. Jocelyn Bergland was asked to join the research project on assessment in the arts of the Arts Education research group of the AHK in collaboration with Project Zero of Harvard University.2 He designed a research plan together with Lot Siebe. The research topic was:
Which approach to self-assessment can support the pupils in reflection on the learning process and the technical and artistic criteria used by the staff and teachers?
We aimed to develop a more systematic process for self-assessment. We were enthusiastic about the Studio Thinking Framework developed by Lois Hetland and Ellen Winner. The model was used as an overall reference for all research projects.3 The Studio Thinking Framework provided a perspective to critically analyze the program and learning activities offered to the pupils of the 5 o’clock class.
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