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Nadja Pärssinen Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Contact Rocks: From the liftings to the unconventional movement
Different focuses in the workshop of contact-improvisation dance.

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Contact Rocks: From the liftings to the unconventional movement workshop is focusing in these questions:

What is happening in the lifting?
What is happening before the lifting?
What is happening after the lifting?

Beside the questions of the lifts we are inspired by the space issues:

moving in different levels, becoming aware of the front and back space and moving towards the space.
We will as well approach movement from the weight sharing aspect, learning about contact-point with each others and in a relationship with the floor, from the different spirals tasks we will find connection to move.  We will find possibilities to express from articulation and variety of the movement qualities.

Contact Rocks: From the liftings to the unconventional movement -workshops is giving space to have  fun, enjoyment but as well functional knowledge of dance where participants can find impulses for liberating body towards improvisational dance, where you can make choices and move any direction.

The workshop will bring as well towards the awareness of how to learn to listen partner´s structure to gain knowlege of own body function and limitaitions that brings  full of pissibilities for improvisational dance. The subject in  the improvisational dance  as well arise individuals curiousity and inspiration towards questions what am I interest at the moment in dance and what interest in other partering dance. Finding a joy and inspiration idea as a tool for dance  cames out of australian choreographer Rosalind Crisp, Andrew Morrish and American Contact-Improvisation teacher Nita Little.

How different time exist in my dance, in other partners dance, between my dance and the other partners dance and where do we find each others in space.  This idea shifts to the question of how each of participant find a way to difine time and space while dancing.


Photos from the teaching in Helsinki city, Finland 2014.


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