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Kerstin Kussmaul Eligible Member // Teacher
IDOCs » Closing session/ Materiality and the informal: An architectural viewpoint
Materiality and the informal: An architectural viewpoint A lecture possibly touching on but not limited to subjects such as public: space, sphere, place; connecting to the informal, the formal and the human body. Feedback and Closing circle: Say good bye to all at the Symposium 2015! Lecture: Michael Obrist (AT / IT) architect (founding partner) at feld72 - architecture and urban strategies (, Visiting Professor for space & design strategies at the University of Art and Design Linz / Austria

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Materiality and the informal: An Architectural viewpoint
A lecture possibly touching on but not limited to subjects such as public: space, sphere, place; connecting to the informal, the formal and the human body.

Michael Obrist is founding member of feld72 and now visiting professor at space&designstrategies at the University for the Arts in Linz (AT). He is also teaching at TU Vienna (AT) and will lead the forthcoming masterclass for Public Space of the Summerschool for Fine Arts in Salzburg 2015 as well as a masterclass in the Architectural Associations (AA) Summerschool 2015. He was leading masterclasses at the Bergen School of Architecture (NO), Bauhaus Dessau Summer School (DE) as well as in the Fondazione Antonio Presti / Fiumara d ́arte in Sicily.

feld72 (Anne Catherine Fleith, Michael Obrist, Mario Paintner, Richard Scheich, Peter Zoderer) is a collective exploring the intersection between architecture, applied urbanism and art. The office based in Vienna has realized numerous buildings, urban interventions in public space, masterplans and researches in an international context. The work of feld72 has been exhibited in numerous Biennales: Venezia 2011 / 2010 / 2008 / 2004, Shenzhen / Hongkong 2009, Canaries 2009, Art Triennial of Guangzhou 2008, Sao Paulo 2007, Rotterdam 2003. Besides having won numerous awards (National Award of Austria for Experimental Architecture, National Award of Austria for Architecture and Sustainability, Architecture Award Southtyrol in 2 categories (Housing / Public Building), contractworld award, AR award for emerging architects, Karl-Hofer-Award of the University of the Arts Berlin,...), feld72 was selected by the jury of the latest Iakhov-Chernikhov-Award as one of the 10 most innovative young practices worldwide.

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