Aleksandra Scibor // Teacher
Partnering Class
Within the Frame of the DEVELOPMENTAL EMPOWERMENT Workshop
Proposal for the ImPulsTanz - Vienna International Dance Festival 2015
Aleksandra Ścibor
The class is based on the insights from my MA research into the repatterning of the navel space radiation. Within the MA thesis entitled "Stimulating Internal Core Support Through Developmental Movement Patterns", I inquired into the reawakening processes of the first two developmental movement patterns - cellular breathing and navel radiation as defined by Body-Mind Centering®. Since then I have been further developing my perspective and understanding of the processes stimulating support from the navel space, navel space potentialities, and potentialities of all the developmental movement patterns understood as embedded in the navel space radiation.
2015.02.17663 views 0 appreciations
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[type: pdf] IMPULSTANZ 2015 PROPOSAL ASCIBORRight click on the link(s) and choose "download linked file as", to specify the target download folder on your computer
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