Teaching at Le Pacifique | CDC in Grenoble (FR)
As part of LEAP project, teaching opportunities at the LEAP partner institutions are offered with the aim of increasing networks for both teachers and organizations, as well as giving teachers new teaching experiences in other countries.
Proposals on dance technique and/or improvisation for professional audience are welcome.
The conditions for teaching equal the ones for other teachers at le Pacifique : 10h / week of training (Monday to Friday, from 10 to 12 am) ; travel, perdiem, accomodation and fee ; possibility to take benefit of the studio in afternoon for a research.
Schedule :
March 2015, 9-13
March 2015, 16-20
April 2015, 13-17
May 2015, 18-22
Any dance educator wanting to be considered needs to meet these requirements in order to be eligible:
-a current practice as contemporary dance teacher with some international teaching experience
-the ability teach in English and/or French
-to be based in one of the Leap partner country : NL, FI, AT
-to be an active member on the IDOCDE website with:
a) a complete profile on the website
b) 2 idocs completed & published
c) of these idocs needs to be a detailed class proposal idoc
d) comments and appreciations of other contributions
-to publish an idoc after the training (interviews and a reflection process).
If you are eligible and would like to be considered, please write a short email to tatiana@pacifique-cdc.com with a biography (dancing and teaching experience detailled), your class description and your aviability as soon as possible.
Info about le Pacifique | CDC : Web http://www.pacifique-cdc.com/ENG/ ; Training http://www.pacifique-cdc.com/ENG/pro-training/pro-training.html