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©The Moon Practice by Pavle Heidler, Francesco Scavetta, Pia Lindy, Elina Ikonen, Maria Ines Villasmil, Robin Berkelmans, Roos van Berkel, Eszter Gál
„You are who you are, You do.” - Pia said after the practice on day4
My reflection begins with the impossibility of speaking out or describing with fingers moving on the keyboard the practice itself. I have to go around it, into it, taste it, smell it and now here we go.
Can the writing be “mooning”? Let's practice...
IT begins with who, where, what, when.
I am sitting behind the screen, hearing the church bell singing. I am in Amsterdam, in a dance studio with 7 other dancers / teachers, also sitting and practicing, their cells orbiting in their brain, moving inside, moving fingers
Energy rests and sweeps through the studio at once. The church bell keeps on playing, the fingers keep on moving.
- The practice brings me to a transparent place, a “bigger than me” sense, where I can be me without being overloaded with me. My universe meets other universes in a spontaneous manner. As I move with letting all move through me I am moved. Through space, through images, with the others. A creation of the moment is a constant dissolving. The dissolving is romantic, but the print of the process remains in me and transforms what is around.
Meeting others in a common ground, elevating and not wanting to do, I can do my work and the moment can become something I do not plan.
- The practice teaching about teaching and teachers in a teaching situation, strengthens and gives values to the work, goes beyond the studio walls, resonates further.
What do we actually do here?
Standing in a line. Open, fragile, strong, vulnerable, facing the views. We are all in.
Then give our full attention to the senses and allow the action to be there. We are individual cells, merging with the appearing network of images, stories, constantly engaging with the whole and reflecting on our own journey. Reading and responding.
My understanding is visceral, no mind over body. The sensed self is in it fully.
Teaching Residency
The exchange happens in many levels. Thought, ideas are floating through, captured in the whole self. Emotional state is high, then low, I care and I do not. Fully accept. And risk. Talk in a cafe. It happens. We dance, it happens. Eating out, it happens. Giving into the smooth rocking of the boat, it happens. Something, somewhere, somehow
she is lying on her right side; the limbs are folding and unfolding arrhythmically, hands and feet are sliding on the floor, gentle resistance in the touch - the sound of the dance is: a car wheel when breaking slowly; the taste is honey and the smell is sweet. Pia danced I tasted it by watching her.
- picking words that are significant at this moment: process of materialization of fiction
fiction is everything that is accessible for you, but can not proof
taking a conversation to physical
addressing transition
what kind of a meditation is it?
the guidance is conceptual, intellectual, thinking without thinking, informative, guiding not telling
the method is to resist any method
releasing the pollens into space
questioning of existing forms and directions for movement creation
appearance of things have nothing to do with the outside forms
even more collapse of existing structures
thoughts and sensations merging in a pool of inner land
End or:
it is just the beginning, I am still standing in a line woth the others, sensing my feet and the weight falling, suspending, seeing, nit looking, a small sense of movement knocks in my neck, I lift my chin and look up and around - “welcome on the other side”- Pavle
the curch bell keeps on playing...
photos: 2&3 by Francesco Scavetta; 1&4 own