SCORE for This is how I play it
Starting point:
- A state of bodily listening.
Listening to the inner music of the movement. It is not an auditive listening, it is a physical sensing and feeling kind of listening, and as if the body sings/plays through its movements.
- Possible to say to yourself:
This is how my movement sings today, right now
This is the music of my movement today, right now
(where the now is constantly new and open to change)
or any take on something like
This music is IT, and IT and IT...
(with appreciation to Deborah Hay, and then you can just as well add a "What if..." in front)
Version XX-XX-XX
1) Start to move in a matter-of-fact way.
It's a kind of warm-up,
to get going and to allow time to tune in the bodily listening. It's about doing, not producing.
When you're ready start to notice tempo, energy, dynamics - not fixing, just noticing.
Start to play the movement more actively in relation to
time/tempo/phrasing (and in any order...)
- movement - stillness (listen to the oscillation),
- regular pulse - free pulse
- repetition - constant variation
- flow - resistance - stop
Stay with something that interests you.
3) Stay with something, use repetition as a tool, and increase the tempo gradually to a maximum
Keep going at maximum as long as you can manage. Stop.
Listen to your breathing.
Listen "physically" to the activity in the body.
4) Repeat 2) and if you are interested 3) again
5) Come to an end
6) Reflect, write, speak... do what you need to do