Created by Defne Erdur Eligible Member // Teacher | 2013.07.27

Video Documentation of Documentation Potluck
This is a video documentation on the session Defne Erdur carried during the 1st IDOCDE Symposium in Vienna on 27th of July; i.e. "DOCUMENTATION POTLUCK - Documenting What, How & Why? Practi...
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By [Multiple Creators]
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(This IDOC is not public)
Documentation Potluck - Confessions of the Teacher
This document is a self-reflective review of my own proposition for the Vienna Symposium ( in order to shed light to what really happened "in line" and "out o...
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By Defne Erdur Eligible Member
2    3889

Documentation Potluck (Proposition for the Vienna Symposium)
This Documentation Potluck meeting is designed after the know-hows and practices experienced during the founding pilot phase of IDOCDE (some İstanbul, Vienna and Stoltzenhagen practices som...
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By Defne Erdur Eligible Member
1    3110