Archive! Initial Proposal Version 0.1 - 2013.04.17 - created (John) Proposal: dance to idocde video workflow workshop If nobody knows of someone to give a video workshop i am willing to put something together. However I do not have the time to prepare a scenario before tomorrow. If I do it I would use Final Cut Pro X because I have never used iMovie though I think the processes are similar since both programs come from Apple. I could show some parallels perhaps. Windows is out though the process should be similar. Linux the same. I would consider workflow from live performance to Idocde movie.   Working in groups some people would dance and others film. Alternatively people could bring their own raw material. Alternativeley I could provide the raw material or could use material from the filming of another workshop. Hands on... in groups People would need computers with the appropriate raw material. We provide computers with the material installed? People bring their own computers with FCPX installed and get the material from a stick or internet download. (Idocde could possibly be used for this if I keep the files small and prepared them ahead.) Follow the tutorial step by step using own material or prepared material. Own material means they have something to take home at the end or put on line. Beamer
 Big screen
 Computers where groups could work. 
Camera's to record?
 Dance space or attendance at another workshop for filming?
 Prepared material? Minimum 90 minutes with prepared material to maximum 180 minutes if working with own material. Possibility to create an installation with a loop showing the whole process workflow...   That's all I have time for now. Maybe more tomorrow.